Suchresultate für immersive und arts
8 Lehrveranstaltungen gefunden

Thomas Isler (DFA)
Miriam Loertscher (DDK)
Stella Speziali (DDK/DDE)
Eric Larrieux (DDK/DMU)
Valentin Huber (DDK)
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K168.1.23H.001

Stella Speziali and other IAS team members
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-MEp-01.23H.006

Patrick Müller und Stella Speziali
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.23H.004

Martin Fröhlich (DDK)
Roman Jurt (DDE)
Stella Speziali (DDK/DDE)
Melody Chua (DDK)
Mariana Grünig (Kostüm- und Bühnenbildnerin)
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K169.2.23H.001

Maike Thies (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, BA Game Design)
1 CreditBDE-BDE-000-H-TK-W.23H.001
Design Process 2 

Angebot für
Nummer und Typ | MDE-VIA-B-2000.05.23H.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Design Process 2 |
Veranstalter | Departement Design |
Leitung | Luke Franzke |
Zeit | Mo 8. Januar 2024 bis Fr 19. Januar 2024 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | For DDE Master Interaction Design students ZHdK students from other courses or specializations who are interested in this module can contact Stella Speziali in order to discuss possibilities for joining the module. |
Lehrform | Design Process |
Zielgruppen | 2. Semester Master of Arts in Design, Vertiefung Interaktion |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Students will:
Inhalte | By means of different workshops, students will explore tools, skills and production methods of current and emerging technologies (eg. arduino, motion capture, photogrammetry, etc) to deepen their master's projects while prototyping and testing ideas. Creative procedures, methods, hypotheses and explanations are put up for discussion while practical exercises allow an examination of explorative and knowledge-oriented processes. The resulting project's explorations can take the form of interactive installations, immersive experiences, videos, prototyped artefacts or performances. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Literature will be announced in the seminars. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Active and regular attendance (min. 80%); reading; practical course work; presentations. |
Termine | 08.01.2024 - 19.01.2024 |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | The module will be in English, including discussions, literature and films. For DDE Master Interaction Design students that wish to attend skill courses not provided by the Interaction Design department, please inform Stella Speziali in advance. |