Leitung: Thomas Gerber
Dozierende: André Bellmont, Thomas Gerber
0 CreditsBFI-BFI-CSp-00.MFI.23H.004

Leitung: Thomas Gerber
Dozierende: André Bellmont, Thomas Gerber
0 CreditsBFI-BFI-CSp-00.MFI.23H.003

Sabine Boss, Filippo Bonacci, Fabienne Koch, Norbert Kottmann, Rowena Raths, Melina Mylonas
0 CreditsBFI-BFI-WSp-00.23H.002

Manuel Hendry, Norbert Kottmann, Valentin Karl Huber
2 CreditsBFI-BFI-MEp-02.23H.005

Marcelo Muniz, Chantal Haunreiter, Noa Michael Spindler
2 CreditsBFI-BFI-MEp-02.23H.004

Leitung: Sabine Gisiger
Dozierende: Christian Iseli, Sabine Gisiger und Gäste
1 CreditMFI-BFI-VDF-01.23H.002

Stella Speziali and other IAS team members
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-MEp-01.23H.006

Gayatri Parameswaran
1 CreditBFI-BFI-MEp-01.MFI.23H.005

Norbert Kottmann, Valentin Huber
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-MEp-01.23H.007

Sabine Boss, Lorenz Suter, Thomas Gerber
1 CreditBFI-2FIPD-CA103.23H.001

Leitung: Sabine Boss
Herstellungsleitung: Filippo Bonacci
18 CreditsBFI-BFI-PRp-18.23H.001

Sabine Boss, Silke Fischer, Manuel Hendry
1 CreditBFI-BFI-PRp-01.23H.001

Sabine Boss
0 CreditsBFI-BFI-PRp-00.23H.001

Sabine Boss
10 CreditsBFI-BFI-PRp-10.23H.002

Thomas Gerber, Michael Schaerer
12 CreditsBFI-BFI-PRp-12.23H.002

Lorenz Suter, Jelena Pavlovic, Miriam Loertscher
0 CreditsBFI-BFI-THp-00.23H.001

Kamera D.o.P.: Pierre Mennel und Andreas Birkle
Editing: Michael Schaerer
Producing: Joel Jent
Regie Spielfilm: Sabine Boss
Alle Anlässe mit Gästen
1 CreditMFI-A1-3p-BFI.01.23H.001

Andreas Birkle
Assistenz: Fabienne Steiner, NN
1 CreditBFI-BFI-VPp-01.23H.005

Ralph Wetli, Pierre Reischer
2 CreditsBFI-BFI-VPp-02.MFI.23H.007

Leitung: Andreas Birkle
Dozierende: Andreas Birkle, Norbert Kottmann, Fabienne Koch, NN
2 CreditsBFI-BFI-VPp-02.23H.006

Joel Jent
Dozierende: Joel Jent, NN
2 CreditsBFI-BFI-VPp-02.23H.004
Theorie: Immersive Arts (gLV) 

Public Lecture Series on immersive bodies, spaces and environments
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | BFI-FIPD-THp-01.23H.006 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Theorie BFI, 1 Credit |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Christopher Salter |
Zeit | 26.09. / 10.10. / 24.10. / 21.11. / 05.12. 5 dates, Tuesday, 17:15 – 18:30 |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 100 |
ECTS | 1 Credit |
Voraussetzungen | None |
Lehrform | Vorlesung |
Zielgruppen | ZHdK / alle Studierende (geöffnete Lehrveranstaltung, gLV) |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Basic understanding of concepts of immersion |
Inhalte | This lecture series investigates questions of immersion from perspectives outside of the immersive arts. Guest lecturers come from curating, computer music and DIYelectronics, embodied human-computer interaction, animation and theater and scenography. Topics will include composing interactive systems, new concepts of extended animation, curating immersive experiences, disability and human computer interaction and new concepts of XR-based performative scenography in urban contexts. 26.09. Dr. Marije Baalman (Instrument Investors Initiative, The Hague/NL) 10.10. Livia Nolasco-Rozas (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe/DE) 24.10. José Luis de Vincente (Dramaturgies of the Anthropocene: Rhetorics of Immersion, Participation and Agency in Contemporary Arts / Disseny Hub, Barcelona, E) 21.11. Dr. Katta Spiel (Human Computer Interaction Group, TU Wien/A) 5.12. Dr. Shauna Janssen (Concordia University, Montreal/CAN) |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Bibliographie/Literatur: https://blog.zhdk.ch/immersivearts/ |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | 80% attendance and active participation |
Termine | 26.09. / 10.10. / 24.10. / 21.11. / 05.12. |
Dauer | 5 dates, Tuesday, 17:15 – 18:30 |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | The lectures on Immersive Arts are loosely connected to the practical Doubles, Twins and Avatars, starting on September 26th, at 17:15 in the Immersive Arts Space. Please contact your own course secretariat first to make sure that you may attend a gLV. Registration by email to kristina.jungic@zhdk.ch with surname, first name, course of study. |