Artistic Working Method – Tabea Martin 

Artistic Working Method – Tabea Martin

Angebot für

Nummer und TypMDA-MDA-1100.23H.003 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPraxismodul - 2 Credits 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungTabea Martin
Di 17. Oktober 2023 bis Fr 20. Oktober 2023 / 13–18 Uhr
Anzahl Teilnehmende2 - 16
ECTS2 Credits
LehrformGruppenunterricht, Praxis(Artisitic working method, Elective Practice)
ZielgruppenMaster Dance / Mandatory for MDA 1 Choreography and Teaching
InhalteIn the Artistic Working Methods Courses the students will receive an insight into the working methods of an experienced choreographer/teacher. According to the inquiries and requests of the students, the artist will decide which main topics to research. Through intensive discussion with the artist, investigation of working practices, and exchange of feedback on own approaches, the students shall have the opportunity to improve their individual artistic profiles.

Tabea Martin is a choreographer and performer based in Basel, Switzerland. She studied Modern Dance at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Amsterdam (2002). She danced with Piet Rogie & Company in Holland, with Fabian Chyle in Stuttgart and Nick Bryson in Ireland. She has been guest student at SNDO in Amsterdam and finished studying choreography at Rotterdamse Dansacademie in 2006.

Tabea Martin regularly collaborates with municipal and state theatres. At Schauspielhaus Zurich, Gorki Theater Berlin, Staatstheater Oldenburg and Theater Neumarkt she worked together with Sebastian Nübling, Elina Finkel and Sibylle Berg. 2015 she has won the special prize from Berner Tanzpreise.

Tabea Martin received the Culture Award 2016 from Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland. From 2016-2018 she was ‹Young Associated Artist› of the mentoring-programm of Pro Helvetia-Swiss Arts Council. She was supported by PRAIRIE - the coproduction support of Migros Culture-Percentage from 2016-2019.

From 2018-2020 and from 2021 - 2023 Tabea Martin is supported by Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft in cooperation with Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council.

Her work Nothing Left is co-produced by Expédition Suisse theaters and invited and co-produced by Dance Festival Steps - Migros culture percentage 2020.
Forever was programmed for the 2021 edition of Swiss Dance Days in Basel.

Tabea Martin is a jury member of Tanzkommission of the city of Zurich, the SSA - Société Suisse des Auteurs and Atelier Mondial of the Christoph Merian Stiftung.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungPresence, active participation.
Termine17. – 20.10. 2023
Dauer13-18 Uhr
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
for MA Dance students via Clickenroll
Termine (4)