Screen Dance Workshop 

Dancers move, as well does the camera

Angebot für

Nummer und TypMDA-MDA-1100.23H.017 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPraxismodul - 1 Credits 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungMichael Maurissens
Sa 13. Januar 2024 bis So 14. Januar 2024 / 10–15 Uhr
Anzahl Teilnehmende2 - 16
ECTS1 Credit
LehrformPractical module (artistic working methods, elective practice, didactics)
ZielgruppenMaster Dance
InhalteHow to dance for the camera? / How to film dance?
From initial idea, to conceptualization, to rehearsal/preparation, to shooting, to final editing, this course will take you thru the different production phases of a short dance film.
With basic technical equipment (Smartphone, common programs like IMovie etc.) the course will give you the tools to produce a dance video (screen dance, trailer, cv video, portrait …) which fits in social media and sharing platform’s formats.

Michael Maurissens was born in Brussels, where he began his dance training. He also studied dance at the Heinz Bosl Foundation in Munich and at the Swiss Ballet School in Zurich (with the support of the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation) and was engaged at the Ballett Nürnberg/ Tanzwerk Nürnberg, Ballett Freiburg pretty ugly, the Nationaltheater Mannheim and Pretty Ugly Tanz Köln.
In 2009, together with his colleague Douglas Bateman, he founded the MichaelDouglas Kollektiv, formed around a core of five performers that consistently recombines itself around different activities - with choreographers, musicians, theorists, scientists and a broad, collaborative system of institutional partners.

For several years now, Michael Maurissens has been working with media in the fields of graphic design, photography and film and, in 2013, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. His studies focused on scenography, applied fine arts and documentary film making. Today he directs and produces films, experimental video works, performance documentaries and participates in joint visual art projects.

MichaelDouglas Kollektiv

Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungAttendance, active participation.
Termine13.- 14.1.2023, 10am – 3 pm
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
for MA Dance students via Clickenroll
Termine (2)