Workshop 1: “Europe & Politics Acting and documented stage writing” 

Praxisfeld SC: Wahlpflichtkurs
Praxisfeld RE, DR: Wahl
Praxisfeld RE, DR: Wahl
Angebot für
Nummer und Typ | MTH-MTH-PM-02.23H.006 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Praxisfeld 02 ECTS |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Julie Crantelle u. Théo Majcher |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 4 - 12 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Zulassung Master Theater |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Professional interest: This workshop questions the construction of identity within an evolving territory and the mechanisms of the struggle between the individual and the community. It does so in a perpetual and playful game of theatrical mise en abyme, exploring our intimate borders in the light of those that define 21st-century Europe. Contemporary theatre is a mirror of our times and the place 'given' to the actors on stage is a reflection of their place as citizens in society. It is this meeting point that we wish to explore. By starting from the intimate experiences of each of the artists, we have found a sensitive and universal way to speak more broadly about the problems we face in today's Europe. Competence targeted: To be able to actively and collectively take part in a specific work process: stage writing based on documented work. Objectives of the workshop: To be actively involved in a collective process of exploration of the notions linked to Europe and the challenges of its theatrical retranscription. To be able to develop a dramaturgical approach to the subject. To find the transition between dramaturgical work at the table and physical and sensitive research on stage. Knowing how to get involved in a collective process. To implement another approach to one's environment outside of the stage, combining work at the table and then on stage. To expand in an empirical way one's knowledge of a creative process that is very frequent in contemporary theatre. |
Inhalte | How to talk about Europe in another way and through other means? Consider the theatrical tool as a means of expression, a means of dialogue, a means of understanding the other. What is really Europe? How can it be built through committed citizens rather than through economic and political treaties? How can we avoid viewing Europe as something inaccessible or as a threat? Aware that the notion of European citizenship is still very vague, ALTER EGO (X) wishes to offer an artistic module to show the European territory in another light. To consider Europe as a common territory made up of fragments of history that allow us to build a common history. To be inspired by others, to explore together, to learn - it is only possible by becoming aware of this European whole and thus of the richness of the people in it. Arts, and more particularly theatre, have an important role to play in this quest. Indeed, the theatre stage is a place for debate, freedom and speaking out. In order to understand this European whole as well as possible, it is important to understand oneself as an individual. Who am I? What do I live with? How do I feel about others? This notion of the individual is one of the pillars of our European territory. To understand oneself is to understand others and therefore to integrate the fact that Europe is above all a diverse association of individuals. In a current Europe in crisis, with concrete examples such as Brexit or the frightening rise of populist movements, it seems essential to bring people - European citizens - together, in order to bring out the foundations of our continent - exchange and peace. Moreover, this module is also a way to make people understand that theatre can be political (in the sense that we understand it in our current society) and can also address the major contemporary issues such as the environment, the migration crisis, Brexit, gender equality, etc. The workshop therefore offers that we ask ourselves concrete questions together, to which each of us is allowed to give his or her own concrete answer, through play. Educational process The training will take place in four stages: the first will be devoted to the presentation of the course, the second, at the table, will allow us to understand the notion of Europe and European citizenship, and to identify themes, the third to experiment through writing and acting on the stage. The theoretical input, the encounter with the world of the speakers, the work on the central theme will be developed and practiced throughout the course. This schedule is given as an indication and may change during the course of the work process. The training course will end with a final evaluation of the course and the trainees' achievements. 1.Presentation of the workshop
Theoretical and practical knowledge applied to the stage will be the subject of a continuous evaluation process by the trainer throughout the course in relation to the educational objectives, sanctioned by an evaluation form completed by the trainer at the end of the course. The trainee's commitment will be closely monitored throughout the work process. The trainees will be asked to carry out a self-assessment on the acquisition and improvement of their skills. |
Termine | KW40/41 (02.10. – 13.10.2023) |
Dauer | 11:00 – 16:00 Uhr / Mo. Mi. Do. Fr. / 4 x 4 Stunden (eine Stunde Pause) |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Deutsch und Englisch |
Bemerkung | THÉO MAJCHER Playwright, actor and singer, he started acting at the Charles Baudelaire high school in Cran-Gevrier (2011-2014). At the same time he started training as a jazz singer at the Annecy Conservatory. He then entered the conservatory of Clermont Ferrand in 2015. In 2016, he was invited to the European school of Môle (Belgium) to stage a show with the students of the French section. That same year he collaborated with the Ecart Théâtre company for the festival Les Contres Plongés in Clermont Ferrand and the Ecole nationale Louis Lumière for the international short film festival. He joined the Nadia and Lily Boulanger Conservatory in Paris 9e in 2017. In 2019 he took part in the European theatre project Eye Endecameron alongside Bruno Freyssinet. Soon after, he co-founded the company ALTER EGO (X) with Julie Crantelle in Paris. He works in France and abroad. In the meantime, Théo has a master's degree in Cultural Policies and Management in Europe from the Institute of European Studies of Paris 8. This allows him to collaborate with structures like Trans'art int. in Paris, ENCC (European Network of Cultural Centres) in Brussels and ETC (European Theatre Convention) in Berlin. JULIE CRANTELLE Director and actress, she graduated from the Zurich University of the Arts. In 2014, she accompanied the Zavtra collective in its development, in Limoges. She then entered the Conservatoire de Clermont Ferrand and directed Le Chagrin des Ogres written by Fabrice Murgia. She graduated with honours and congratulations from the jury in 2016. At the same time, she created the Béring collective and adapted Parloir written by Pépito Matéo with the Riom detention centre. The body is an essential part of her work. She took part in the contemporary dance and hip-hop project Let's Gooo by the Daruma Company for two years. Then, she followed the daily physical theatre trainings by the company Divadlo Continuo Theatre. In September 2019, she co-founded the company ALTER EGO (X) with Théo Majcher in Paris. Sensitive to details, she directs all her artistic work towards movement and matter. In the meantime, Julie has a Master's degree in cultural and audiovisual activities management. She has had the opportunity to work in different structures, such as Micadanses and its festival Faits d'hiver in Paris, the company Les Enfants Sauvages, Plum Yard and Divaldo Continuo Theatre in the Czech Republic. |