Hacking Values 

Praxisfeld RE: szenisches Projekt / Interaction Design
Praxisfeld BN, SC, TP, DR: Wahl

Angebot für

Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-PM-02.23H.011 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPraxisfeld 02 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungProf. Dr. Stefanie Lorey, Dr. Joëlle Bitton
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 9
ECTS2 Credits
VoraussetzungenMA Theatre / MA Interaction Design
Lernziele / KompetenzenCooperation between Interaction Design and MA Theatre
InhalteThe Hacking Values course is an interdisciplinary collaboration between Interaction Design and Theater.
Within the topic “ecologies”, we discuss our environment and the ways we engage with powers and systems that surround us. Through that, we become more aware of our personal values and how they influence the way we operate and the possible contradictions that can emerge.
We propose to frame that with the terms of “hacking”. With “Hacking”, we do not (only) mean the popular meaning of "hacking into computer systems". The term also means messing about with something in a positive sense, that is, using playful cleverness to achieve a goal. Hacking can also manipulates or alienates a system, an object, etc. for specific purposes. Thus "Hacking values" can be understood as a method to recognize and hack systems and structures of power and our roles in maintaining or challenging them.
The outcome could be a performance, a public space installation or an intervention and will be presented in a public outreach format.
TermineKW43 (23.10. – 27.10.2023)
Dauer10:00 – 17:00 Uhr, including self-study time
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungJoëlle Bitton teaches in the BA & MA Interaction Design. With her works, Joëlle explores a sense of intimacy and personal geography with machines and systems that are usually considered cold or unfriendly. She likes most to entangle strangeness and familiarity together. As such, in her doctoral thesis at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Joëlle created embodied fabrication experiences of personal data controlling CNC-machines. She explored the mediation of technologies in human relationships at research labs such as Media Lab Europe, Distance Lab and Culture Lab/Newcastle University.

Stefanie Lorey has been head of the theatre direction course at Zurich University of the Arts since 2018. Since 2001, she has realised projects together with Bjoern Auftrag under the label "Auftrag : Lorey", which move on the border between theatre, performance and installative art. Her dissertation entitled "Performative Collections" was published in 2020 by transcript and subTexte (publication series of the Institute for the Performing Arts and Film, ZHdK).
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