Practice I: Chetwynd / Davis / Lakhrissi 

Nummer und TypBFA-BFA-PRA.23H.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulKünstlerische Praxis / Artistic Practice 
VeranstalterBachelor Fine Arts
LeitungMonster Chetwynd / William Davis / Tarek Lakhrissi
Time: 09:15 - 17:00 o'clock

Practice: 18 / 19 / 21 / 22 Sep & 09 / 10 / 12 / 23 / 24 Oct & 13 / 14 November & 21 / 22 Dec
Excursion: 20 Sep & 11 / 25 Oct & 15 Nov & 20 Dec
Mentorships: 13 / 26 / 27 Oct & 16 / 17 Nov & 18 / 19 Dec
ECTS18 Credits
Lehr- und Lernform
  • Einzelunterricht
  • Selbststudium
  • Gruppenunterricht
  • Praxisseminar
  • Mentorate
InhaltIn the practice module the students' own artistic practice takes place. The focus lies on studio work and discussions about the students' individual or collaborative work. The practice module takes place over the course of six semesters and is led by at least two lecturers/artists, who also provide study guidance for the students in the module. Teaching formats include joint work discourses, excursions, visits to artists’ studios, group discussions and close supervision of the students through individual mentoring. All students in a practice module share workstations in a studio, which further promotes the exchange of ideas and experiences.
Voraussetzungen / ZielgruppenMajor BA Fine Arts students / 1st semester
Not open for exchange students

The registration in this module will be automatic.
Material / LiteraturWill be handed out during the course
  • Aktive Teilnahme
  • Präsentation
  • Künstlerische Arbeit
  • 80% Anwesenheit
  • Gestalterische Arbeit
  • Schriftliche Arbeit
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungStudents will receive detailed information about the organisation and financing of study trips at the beginning of the semester.

If a study trip includes overnight stays, the Bachelor Fine Arts normally arranges and pays the accommodation while students have to organise their own journey and cover their travel expenses. In case of one-day study trips, the Bachelor Fine Arts generally reimburses 50% of the train or bus ticket costs (2nd class) if the full ticket price per trip exceeds CHF 40.-. The original tickets are necessary for any reimbursement.
Termine (31)