ATD / The physicality of an actor – the physicality of a puppet
Pavel Stourac
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-04.23H.005
HETSR / Atelier avec Christian Geffroy Schlittler + Martin Reinartz
Christian Geffroy Schlittler et Martin Reinartz
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.014
HETSR / Atelier avec Jean-Daniel Piguet et Fleur Bernet
Jean-Daniel Piguet et Fleur Bernet
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.015
HETSR / Atelier avec le collectif Old Masters
Marius Schaffter, Jérôme Stünzi, Sarah André
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.016
HETSR / Atelier avec Philippe Gladieux
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.018
HKB / Autorschaft – Autorität?
Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Leitung: Mathieu Corajod (Musiktheater HKB) und Gäste
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.008
HKB / Back to the Future, or the Future of Seeing Differently
Forschungstoolbox zum Jahresthema
Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Dozierende: Hanna B. Hölling (Dozentin Konservierung und Restaurierung HKB), Johannes M. Hedinger (Künstler, Kurator, Zürich)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.009
HKB / EcoArtLab – Relational Encounters I: Zukunftsbilder
Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Koordination und Unterricht: Yvonne Schmidt (Leitung EcoArtLab, Forschung HKB)
Gäste: Johanna Paschen (Humangeografin EcoArtLab), Riikka Tauriainen (Künstler:in EcoArtLab) in Zusammenarbeit mit ProClim, Severin Marty
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.011
HKB / Edge of Chaos – Strukturen des Erzählens (Dramaturgie)
Julia Reichert (Co-Direktorin Theater Neumarkt, Dramaturgin)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.006
The universe of sound and creation from the body and its subjectivity
Juanita Delgado Jaramillo
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.003
HKB / Forschungs-Mittwoch
Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Leitung: Sebastian Dobrusskin, Priska Gisler, Arne Scheuermann, Martin Skamletz
1 CreditMTH-MTH-WPM-01.23H.001
HKB / Fragezeichen: Was ist eine gute Frage?
Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Leitung: Tine Melzer (Dozentin CAP) und Gäste
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.012
HKB / M2ACT x Burning Issues – Performing Arts and Action
Konferenz, Marktplatz, Workshops, Party und Kunst
Wolfram Heberle
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.001
HKB / Was brennt: Die Generation YZ in den Künsten
Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Leitung: Barbara Balba Weber (Kulturvermittlerin HKB), Jasper Luithlen (Sozialanthropologe und Filmproduzent)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.23H.010
HKB / Audience guidance, agency & bewilderment
Campus Wahlmodul / Master Class / Kursangebot der Partnerschule (HKB)
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MTH-MTH-WPM-04.23H.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Master-Campus-Theater-CH 04 ECTS |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Kate McIntosh |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 12 |
ECTS | 4 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Workshop |
Inhalte | This is a practical seminar focused on exploring relationships with audiences, particularly in the context of works that invite an audience to physical or social involvement. The early sessions of the seminar include an introduction and analysis, in discussion with the students, of existing interactive works from my own practice. The following sessions focus on a possible methodology for approaching the design of interactive formats. These are methods that I am continually developing through my own practice and can be offered as mutable tools for others. They map a working flow – from initial questions that inform the design of audience invitations and situations, through to the subsequent ethical and artistic questions that are likely to arise, and strategies to address them. This includes discussions about audience agency and autonomy, transgression, exposure, implicit and explicit instructions, refusal, collaboration, sensorial situations and thinking-through-doing. After this theoretical groundwork, the main part of the seminar involves students proposing their own designs for audience interactions, on different scales and in varying formats and durations. Through accumulative tasks and guided conversations, these designs are tested, developed and refined. Some will be fully realised within the workshop, others will be considered as hypothetical proposals. A vital element of the seminar is developing techniques for exchanging with colleagues and “test” audiences to gain insight into one’s own and others’ work. Students will have the option to work alone or in small groups, but tools for a collaborative culture of feedback and co-development will be introduced across the whole group. I will also suggest strategies for relating with test audiences, whose responses become a key element in understanding and refining the interactive proposals. |
Termine | 06.-10.11.2023 and 20.-24.11.2023 |
Dauer | 10:30-17:30 Uhr, ausser 10.11.2023, 10:30-13:00 |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Englisch |
Bemerkung | Kate McIntosh (1974, Aotearoa New Zealand) is an artist who works across the boundaries of performance, theatre and installation. Her work often focuses on the physicality of both performer and public, the misuse of objects and materials, and developing direct relations with and between audience members. She has ongoing fascinations with the sensory, transformation, collectivity, animal-human connections, destruction, mess, humour, care. |