Studio 4 

Work in Progress Exhibition
Nummer und TypMDE-VIA-MO-2002.05.23H.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulStudio 4 
VeranstalterDepartement Design
LeitungProf. Dr. Karmen Franinovic
Rasa Weber
Duy Bui
Do 11. Januar 2024 bis Fr 19. Januar 2024 / 9–17 Uhr
ECTS2 Credits
LehrformDesign Studio
Zielgruppen2. Semester Master of Arts in Design, Vertiefung Interaktion
Lernziele / KompetenzenStudents will:
  • explore and deepen their own creative and thematic focus by developing an exhibition concept of their research and their prototypes
  • become familiar with different modalities of exhibiting interactive works and ways of evaluating them
  • develop ways in which they can test the hypothesis of their master's project through an exhibition
InhalteIn this studio, students will critically analyse and explore the exhibition tools, skills, and production methods of current and emerging technologies, with an emphasis on prototyping and testing their MA ideas.
Bibliographie / LiteraturLiterature will be announced in the Module.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungActive and regular attendance (min. 80%); practical course work; presentations, final exhibition.
Termine11.01.2024 - 19.01.2024 09:00-17:00
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungThe module will be in English, including discussions, literature and films.
Termine (9)