Prof.Dr.Friederike Lampert
12 CreditsMDA-MDA-1100.23H.002

Denise Lampart, Marco Volta, Patricia Rotondaro, Bosshard Michaela and guests
2 CreditsMDA-MDA-1100.23H.025
Teaching Practice Part 1 

Teaching Practice-Part 1
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MDA-MDA-1100.23H.008 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Praxismodul - 2 Credits |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Mark Wuest |
Zeit | Mo 30. Oktober 2023 bis Fr 3. November 2023 / 14–16 Uhr |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 2 - 16 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Lehrform | Practical module (Artistic Working Methods, Elective Practice, Didactics) |
Zielgruppen | Mandatory for MA1 Teaching and Coaching |
Inhalte | In this course aims, preparation and problems of teaching class will be discussed. By talking through special cases and situations in class, possible solutions will be provided and ‚rehearsed’ in practise. Individual class plans will be developed and presented by the students. MA Teaching students will teach class for the BA students in the mornings. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Attendance, active participation. |
Termine | 30.10.-03.11., teachings in the morning and 14:00-16:00 feedback |
Dauer | Dance Studio |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Englisch |
Bemerkung | Registration for MA Dance students via Clickenroll |