Pool 8: Art & Collectivity (Excursion) 

Nummer und TypMFA-MFA-Po00.23H.008 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungJudith Welter, Francesca Brusa
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 10
ECTS3 Credits
VoraussetzungenCourse language: English
LehrformExcursion to Milano (Italy)
ZielgruppenMA Fine Arts students only
Not open for exchange students

Application closed
Lernziele / Kompetenzen
  • Have a dialogue over different positions towards collectivity and how collectivity shows and it’s experienced in the urban space
  • Reflect the concept of collective production in artistic practice
  • Experience different forms and models of collective production and reflection
InhalteOn this excursion, we will visit together the city of Milan and explore its vivid cultural scene, from art institutions to architecture spread all over the city. We will develop a one-night public program at Istituto Svizzero, our partner institution in the city, to explore the topic of collectivity and collective practices. We will meet and work with local artists, visit local art institutions and organisations.

More information on the program will be released in fall and after a kick-off meeting with the group of students who will join us.

The Department of Fine Arts will cover the accommodation and all admissions during the excursion.

About the lecturers:

Judith Welter (*1980) is a curator. She studied art history, Spanish literature and Religious Studies at the University of Bern. In 2014, she completed her PhD on the role of rumors and anecdotes in contemporary. From 2015 to 2021 she has been director of the Kunsthaus Glarus. From 2004 to 2015 she worked for the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst in Zurich where from 2012 on she was the Collection Curator. Since 2015 she is co-editor of the online magazine for art criticism Brand-New-Life. Recent curated solo exhibitions include Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo) (2021), Caroline Bachmann, Jan Vorisek (2020) Marta Riniker-Radich (2018), Birgit Megerle (2017).

Francesca Brusa is a researcher and curator inquiring emancipatory practices in the arts with respect to labour and the social field. Her work focuses on practices that offer critical, antagonist perspectives; she sees artworks as instances that contribute to theoretical discourses like sensuous political propositions. From 2018 to 2021 she was appointed research fellow at the Faculty of Design and Art at the Free University of Bolzano. She is completing a PhD in Art Theory and Curating between Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Francesca Brusa is a teaching assistant at the MFA ZHdK.
Bibliographie / LiteraturWill be handed out during the course.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungMandatory attendance (minimum 100 %); active participation

CW 46: 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 November
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungInformation on the organisation of excursions will be announced by the lecturers at the beginning of the semester.

Please note:
For excursions abroad, generally only the overnight stay will be organized and financed by the degree programme. Travel costs must be covered by the students themselves. In the event of non-participation (no show) or cancellation, the student will be invoiced for the costs incurred for the study programme. We recommend that students take out private cancellation insurance for excursions so that any costs (due to illness) are covered by the insurance.
Termine (5)