Practice 2: Presenta(c)tion 

Nummer und TypMFA-MFA-Pr00.23H.002 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungDominique Lämmli, Marie-France Rafael
ECTS21 Credits
VoraussetzungenCourse language: English
ZielgruppenMA Fine Arts students only
Open for exchange students
Lernziele / Kompetenzen
  • Students know spatial, relational, digital modes of presentations
  • They are able to express the orientation points guiding their display strategies
  • Know how to express their interests when negotiating the display of their works with other professionals
InhalteThis Practice Seminar focuses on the presentation and display of art. How does your art become visible, within which settings? How do you describe the reciprocal and relational web within which your work is perceived? Which aesthetical and practical judgements guide your work? Which orientation points do you provide for the viewer/listener/participant to access your work? These are some of the questions, which we will address in our seminar.

We will discuss how these interrelate with the other central aspects of art practice, such as research, development, construction, solution-problem solving. Your work may present itself in various formats, such as an object, occurrence, ephemeral or a temporal sensation. We will play with and examine presentation/display possibilities, based on your own work and further examples, and apply various modes of discussion, including visual mapping.

About the lecturers:

Dominique Lämmli has long been working with studio-based, collective and performative painting strategies. She has also co-initiated temporary spaces for joint learning, imagination and co-creation with colleagues across the world and has explored and written on working with art in socio-cultural settings. She is professor specialized in drawing and painting at Zurich University of the Arts, the co-founder of FOA-FLUX, a Zurich-based research micro-hub, and holds a PhD in Global and Area Studies.

Marie-France Rafael, holds a PhD in Art History. She studied Art History and Film Studies in Berlin and Paris. From 2011 to 2015 she was a research associate at the Free University of Berlin and until 2019 at the Muthesius University Kiel, Department of Spatial Strategies/Curatorial Spaces. Her monograph, “Reisen ins Imaginativ. Künstlerische Displays und Situationen” (Cologne: Walther König, 2017), was recently published. Other publications include “Brice Dellsperger. On Gender Performance” (Berlin: Floating Opery Press), “Ari Benjamin Meyers. Music on Display” (Cologne: Walther König, 2016), and “Pierre Huyghe. On Site” (Cologne: Walther König, 2013).
Bibliographie / LiteraturWill be handed out during the course.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungMandatory attendance (minimum 80%); active participation; semester report
TermineTime: 09:00 - 17:00 o'clock

CW 39: 25 / 26 / 27 September
CW 02: 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 January

CW 39: 28 / 29 September
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (10)