Suchresultate für gLV
223 Lehrveranstaltungen gefunden
Lehrveranstaltungen im Bereich Master Fine Arts
Lehrveranstaltungen ausserhalb des Bereichs Master Fine Arts

Kurt Widorski
3 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2102.23H.001

Kurt Widorski
1 CreditBMU-2KTM-3FTM-60.23H.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-16.23H.001

Sebastian Köthe, Dominique Raemy
2 Creditsmae-mtr-102.23H.003

Florence Borggrefe, Sebastian Köthe, Dominique Raemy, Vera Schamal
2 Creditsmae-mtr-102.23H.004

Sebastian Köthe, Dominique Raemy
2 Creditsmae-mtr-102.23H.002

Florence Borggrefe, Vera Schamal
2 Creditsmae-mtr-102.23H.006

Martina Schucan
2 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1200.23H.006

Lars Mlekusch
2 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1200.23H.009

Leandro Gianini
2 CreditsMKT-VKO-SEAK-KE08-3.23H.001

Peter Junker
0 CreditsMPE-VIV-KE12.23H.007

André Bellmont
1 CreditBMU-2KTM-3FTM-58.23H.001

Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.23H.025_(MTH/BTH)

Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-008.23H.003_(MTH/BTH)

Prof. Dr. Sophia Prinz
Lisa Hillers
Referate verschiedener Expert*innen
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-HV-5000.23H.001

Cyril Kennel
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-AK-5014.23H.001

Domenico Ferrari
1 CreditDMU-WKMT-6006.23H.001

Dennis Bäsecke-Beltrametti
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8008.23H.007

Flurin Fischer
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-3022.23H.001

Annette Uhlen, Sandra Trattnigg
2 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8004.23H.006

Annette Uhlen, Caroline Melzer
2 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8004.23H.002

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-PJAPO-MOMA-08-3.23H.001

Moritz Müllenbach
0 CreditsMMP-VSMU-SSII-KK15-1.23H.001

Elisabeth Angst FD Horn
Martin Sonderegger FD Klarinette
Fränzi Frick FD Violine
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-SKLA-PK08.23H.001

Jonas Labhart
1 CreditDMU-WKMA-2116.23H.001

Patrick Karpiczenko
Nico Lypitkas
Assistenz: Adrian Graf
2 CreditsBDE-VCA-V-3049.23H.001

Bernadett Settele (kein/sie)
2 Creditsmae-vkp-106.23H.001

Manthey Stefanie
2 Creditsmae-vkp-106.23H.003

Henryetta Duerschlag und Katja Gläss
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.23H.002

Nicole Frei, Patrick Müller, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.23H.004

Basil Rogger, Njomza Dragusha, Nicole Frei, Caroline Baur
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.23H.005

Marisa Godoy, in collaboration with Eirini Sourgiadaki and the collective The Field
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.23H.007

Adam Bethlenfalvy (AB)
2 CreditsFTH-BTH-VTP-L-505.23H.002_(MTH/BTH)

Marcelo Muniz, Chantal Haunreiter, Noa Michael Spindler
2 CreditsBFI-BFI-MEp-02.23H.004

Leitung: Sabine Gisiger
Dozierende: Christian Iseli, Sabine Gisiger und Gäste
1 CreditMFI-BFI-VDF-01.23H.002

Stella Speziali and other IAS team members
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-MEp-01.23H.006

Martina Bovet
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.23H.001

Andreas Zihler
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.23H.002

Sebastian Piekarek
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.23H.003

Sigrid Adorf, Soenke Gau
2 Creditsmae-mtr-100.23H.001

Deborah Imhof (DI)
1 CreditBTH-VTP-L-5010.23H.001

Basil Rogger, Njomza Dragusha, Caroline Baur, Nicole Frei
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.23H.001

Marisa Godoy, in collaboration with Eirini Sourgiadaki and the collective The Field
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.23H.002

Eirini Sourgiadaki, Anna Rubi
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.23H.003

Patrick Müller und Stella Speziali
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.23H.004

Peter Truniger, Mirella Walker
2 Creditsbae-bae-vt302-04.23H.002

Edith Stocker
0 CreditsMMP-VMB-SRH-PK03-1.23H.001

Mischa Senn, Hatun Metin
2 Creditsbae-bae-kp610-05.23H.001

Andreas Zihler
2 CreditsBMU-VSMU-MOKF-04-3.23H.001

Johannes-Michael Blume und Margulies Oliver
1 CreditBMU-VKLA-MOKF-08-3.23H.001

Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Antoine Chessex
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23H.002

Antoine Chessex, Soenke Gau, Jana Thierfelder
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23H.003

Delphine Chapuis-Schmitz, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23H.004

Caroline Baur, Soenke Gau, Basil Rogger
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23H.005

Katja Gläss, Patrick Müller, Hannah Walter
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23H.006

Golschan Ahmad Haschemi (GHa)
1 CreditBTH-BTH-L-0019.23H.010_WF

Isabel Gehweiler
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8005.23H.002

Sigrid Adorf, Antoine Chessex, Charlotte Friedli, Léonie Süess, Jana Vanecková
2 Creditsmae-vkp-307.23H.002

Kamera D.o.P.: Pierre Mennel und Andreas Birkle
Editing: Michael Schaerer
Producing: Joel Jent
Regie Spielfilm: Sabine Boss
Alle Anlässe mit Gästen
1 CreditMFI-A1-3p-BFI.01.23H.001

Angelika Moths / Felix Baumann
3 CreditsMKT-VTH-KE06.23H.001

Angelika Eva Moths
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23H.008

Christian Strinning
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23H.001

Vadym Rakochi
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23H.002

Burkhard Kinzler
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23H.009

André Fischer
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23H.004

Lars Heusser
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23H.005

Timothy Walter Kleinert
2 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6300.23H.001

Cyril Kennel,
Dr. Alexander Markin
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-3020.23H.001

Maike Thies (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, BA Game Design)
1 CreditBDE-BDE-000-H-TK-W.23H.001

Björn Franke
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PB-2001.23H.001

Sophia Prinz
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PC-2001.23H.001

Dieter Ringli
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.23H.004

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.23H.003

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.23H.005
Projekttage 3: Investigating the Big Blue (excursion) (gLV) 

introduction to the analogue art of cyanotype in conversation with the remote island of Amorgos
Angebot für
Nummer und Typ | MTR-MTR-1009C.23H.003 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Projekttage |
Veranstalter | Departement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung |
Leitung | Eirini Sourgiadaki, Anna Rubi |
Zeit | Sa 28. Oktober 2023 bis Sa 4. November 2023 |
Ort | Exkursion Exact dates to be communicated : they may differ according to boat route plan |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 4 - 16 |
ECTS | 1 Credit |
Lehrform | Projectweek / Excursion |
Zielgruppen | (D) Wahlpflicht für Studierende MA Transdisziplinarität. Geöffnete Lehrveranstaltung für Studierende anderer Studiengänge der ZHdK. Einschreibung über ClickEnroll (E) Compulsory voting for MA Transdisciplinarity students. Course open to students of other ZHdK degree programmes. Enrolment via ClickEnroll |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | A small cyanotype laboratory is to be set up in Aegiali, the northern port of Amorgos island (SE Aegean, Greece), where will be our headquarters. Cyanotype is a technique that originally was used to copy photo negatives and technical drawings before exploding into ways of creative printmaking. It is a light-sensitive chemical mixture that by exposure to sunlight turns into cyan blue. It can imprint basically anything from collected material like leaves, nets, feathers through photo negatives, x-ray scans to lace fabric or all these combined. The prints can be made on various materials like different sizes of textiles, even clothes or paper sheets, cardboard etc. Printmaking has its poetic attributes that makes it a great tool for storytelling, working on personal projects involving nostalgia, melancholy, memory and dreams. Therefore the participants are encouraged to bring personal or collected material that they’d like to use during the workshop, such as x-ray scans, photo negatives, and personal items. The seminar will also provide examples and texts on these kinds of processes, to inspire. The module is planned to be sequential, first part in the autumn semester and the second part in spring. Since the island entirely changes through these two periods, we’d like to invite participants to play with the circular perception: The weather, local rituals and celebrations, the strengths of light that we are using for the prints, etc. are significantly different. Therefore we encourage the participants to approach the final exhibition through the idea of two-phase documenting, archiving or journaling. Also, to dwell in working with seriality and process-focused projects. The modules will end with an exhibition of artworks created in Amorgos. Also an online gallery will be created to display the process and the final works. |
Inhalte | Colour perception varies, so do the semantics of colour terminology, for both sighted and blind individuals. The questions around colour perception from an ophthalmology or neurobiology perspective to cognitive and artistic ones, are endless: Is there a universal human experience of the blue sky, the green grass and the brown soil? How is colour perceived in the brain, how is it translated into a communicable concept and how does it affect our perceived world, our mental and physical state? What is the role of colour in synesthesia? And most importantly, does colour have to do just with vision? In this module we will work with the generation of blue colour on print, using the major light source available, the Sun. The Island of Amorgos is often referred to as “Le grand bleu” after the famous french film was shot at location. Its ancient name is “Melania”. “Melani”, the Greek word for ink, (“Melano” for dark blue, cyan) as it is said that in ancient times the place was full of dark trees, most likely cedars. Our investigation begins exactly with this deep tint. We’ll pay a visit to local monasteries and the water oracle, walk the trails to observe the sensual -not only vision-based- shades of blue. In the spring term, we would like to participate in local activities such as beach clean-up initiatives of the remote beaches by local fishermen and their boats. We will visit bee-hives and herb-distilleries, we’ll work with the most basic bits and pieces of the island to capture its essence. All visits, outdoor activities and excursions will be communicated in the beginning of each seminar part, depending on what the weather allows. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | 80% active participation incl. documentation/exhibition |
Termine | Sat 28 October 2023 to Sat 4 November 2023 Exact dates to be communicated : they may differ according to boat route plan. |
Dauer | 5 days excursion + 2 days travel |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Englisch |
Bemerkung | We encourage slow travel for the workshop participants whether it’s possible for them. Students contribute to the costs by 50% (approx. 350 CHF) |