Physical Group Work - ERWEITERN/PROBIEREN_(SC) 

Blockstruktur: 2
Nummer und TypBTH-BTH-L-0021.23H.002 / Moduldurchführung
ModulModulvorlage VSC/VTP/VRE/VDR_2 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungAmir Modaï (AM)
Anzahl Teilnehmende4 - 14
ECTS2 Credits
ZielgruppenL3.1 / L3.2 VSC
Lernziele / KompetenzenPhysical group work stands at the base of theatre. A key to efficient improvisation is the ability to take impulses from our partners into our own play and give such impulses back. The students will go through a journey of discovery of the power of the group and use of it as a creative tool. Through the perfectly imperfect precision of the choir, the group can become an amplification device for a single player and help discover the strength of the individual. During the pandemy we had to recluse and lose most human contact for extended periods of time. This has left a mark on us, the symptoms of which are long lasting. A certain inhibition to work in proximity and get more physically involved is visible in improvisation excersises (and in society) still today. In a post-pandemic world we need to re-learn how to connect to our fellow players and be an enriching partner to them. The work is specifically designed to dive back into some of the themes we could not explore during the lockdowns and deepen our understanding of said themes.
InhalteIn improvisation of movement and voice we will look at how to create and fine tune such a device as the group on stage. Also, we will look at simple tools to increase our capacity of clearly reading fellow players and being more legible to them. The module will take place in two phases: In the first phase we begin by observing how simple moving points in a two dimensional space can awaken the imagination and unveil the omnipresent stories. Then we will explore the different motors of movement in our body through shaking and focusing on different body parts in order to learn the possibilities of different physicalities present in our own system. The body’s relationship to the room (Starting from the basic four possibilities: pushing, pulling, being pushed, being pulled) will also take an important part of this exploration. In the second phase we will look into how to connect the bodies and create a group awareness, moving as a school of fish, in which the individual serves the purpose of the group and the group amplifies the individual's needs, wants and intentions.
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderunggem. Angaben der/des Modulverantwortlichen
TermineRaum: 1 grosser Probenraum
DauerAnzahl Wochen: 2 (HS: Wo:44/45) / Modus: Blockunterricht: total 10x3h/Wo_Mo/Di/Mi/Do/Fr, jeweils 10.30-13.30h + 16.30-19.30h
Selbststudiumszeit pro Semester: ca.
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (18)