Reboot Design Technology 

Kategorie: Technologien
Keywords: Technik, Kulturtechnik, Kulturtheorie, Designgeschichte, Politics, Education, Social impact, Futurism, Afrofuturism, Decolonialisation
Nummer und TypBDE-BDE-T-WP-BW-5017.23H.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulWahlpflichtmodul Theorie 5. Semester 
VeranstalterDepartement Design
LeitungDr. Joëlle Bitton
Mo 4. September 2023 bis Fr 8. September 2023 / 8:30–17 Uhr
Anzahl Teilnehmende8 - 20
ECTS2 Credits
VoraussetzungenFor DDE Bachelor students: None
LehrformSeminar (alternating on-site and digital)
ZielgruppenCompulsory elective subject (Wahlpflichtfach) for BA students of the Department Design, 5th semester
Lernziele / KompetenzenThe aim of the seminar is to reflect on the roles we attribute to design and technology currently, how it was set in pop culture narratives and how we could ‘reboot’ the disciplines in education to include urgent societal questions, especially when it pertains to colonial legacies. The seminar is structured as conversations around case studies and the students will work on certain questions themselves.

The final assignment for the seminar should represent an original perspective on those issues and can take different formats: it could be a written essay in a more classic format but it could also be a visual or conceptual proposition. This collection of unusual essays will constitute together an online exhibition.
InhalteDesign and Technology share a similar destiny: imbued with the roles of solving problems, characterised by an expectation that they can change any situation for the better.
But what if this is an illusion?

With the society at large becoming more aware of issues related to top-down decisions and techno-centric solutions such as large-scale surveillance, ecological dooms and oppression of civic rights, we have the responsibility and the opportunity to rethink the place of design and technology.
What if we should reboot our mindset for design methods and technological tools to become truly inclusive?

In this course, we will look at a range of aspects:
  • the hopes and fears that technologies of the 19th century generated and that are still prevalent nowadays
  • the past ideas of futures and whether they happened or not
  • pop culture references that support those narratives
  • feminist & non-Western perspectives
  • ways to move forward in education of the design discipline
The class will be structured around discussions, lectures, presentations of film and literature materials and in-class exercises.

The final outcome expected are a short essay & mixed media experience to showcase your interpretation of the topic. Put together, your contributions will constitute an online exhibition.
Bibliographie / LiteraturA bibliography will be distributed at the beginning of the seminar.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungActive and regular attendance (min. 80%); participation to discussions; Compose and present an independent contribution to the topic.
TermineBlock week from 4 to 8 September 2023
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungThe class will be taught in English.
Termine (5)