Design Futures. Gestaltung im Zeitalter von Künstlicher Intelligenz
Lisa Hillers
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-BW-3023.23H.001
Film und Migration. Bilder, Räume, Identitäten (gLV)
Flurin Fischer
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-3022.23H.001
Grün gestalten? Zum Verhältnis von Design und Ökologie
Dr. phil. Franziska Nyffenegger
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-BW-3016.23H.001
Narrative Aesthetics, Strategies and Design in Time-Based Media
Dr. Harald Krämer
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-3011.01.23H.001
Vom Fall der Berliner Mauer bis zu 9/11 – Designkultur der 1990er Jahre (gLV)
Cyril Kennel,
Dr. Alexander Markin
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-3020.23H.001
Narrative Aesthetics, Strategies and Design in Time-Based Media DIG
Kategorie: Methodologie / Kulturtechniken
Category: Methodology / Cultural techniques
Keywords: Formen der Analyse und Gestaltung, Erzähltechniken, Visualisierung
Keywords: Forms of analysis and design, narrative techniques, visualization
This course will give an introduction and an overview into the aesthetics, strategies and design of narratives in time-based media. The idea of narrative is more than just storytelling; it invites us to think about the design of structures, processes and systems.
We will analyse good old narratives and compare different forms of storytelling.
Category: Methodology / Cultural techniques
Keywords: Formen der Analyse und Gestaltung, Erzähltechniken, Visualisierung
Keywords: Forms of analysis and design, narrative techniques, visualization
This course will give an introduction and an overview into the aesthetics, strategies and design of narratives in time-based media. The idea of narrative is more than just storytelling; it invites us to think about the design of structures, processes and systems.
We will analyse good old narratives and compare different forms of storytelling.
Nummer und Typ | BDE-BDE-T-WP-3011.01.23H.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Wahlpflichtmodul Theorie 3. Semester |
Veranstalter | Bachelor Design |
Leitung | Dr. Harald Krämer |
Zeit | Mo 25. September 2023 bis Mo 11. Dezember 2023 / 13:30–15 Uhr |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 8 - 18 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Knowledge of English language |
Lehrform | Online Seminar via Zoom (Room reserved for students) |
Zielgruppen | Compulsory elective subject (Wahlpflichtfach) for students of the Department Design, 3rd Semester |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | 1. Overview of the primary narrative and aesthetics elements of a broad range of time-based media and expanded cinema forms. 2. Training the skills for critical analysis, assessment of narratives and storytelling. 3. Create, compare and discuss the analysis of time-based media works. 4. Learn to express yourself in english language and writing. |
Inhalte | Narrative is an important concept in the design and creation of new media. Far more than just story-telling, the idea of narrative invites us to think about structures, processes and systems essential to time-based organisation and spatial arrangement. This course examines narrative strategies for different kinds of creative situations: from photo sequence to moving image aesthetics, montage theories for time-based media, from fiction and documentary film, animation to video experiments for ubiquitous screen contexts, game, hypertext, and immersive environments. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | ABBOTT, H. Porter: The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2011. BAL, Mieke: Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative (3rd edition). University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, Toronto, 2009. BRYAN, Alexander: The New Digital Storytelling. Creating Narratives with New Media, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2011. Zentralbibliothek: HV 3827 Freihand 02, 2. UG KRAEMER, Harald: "Simplicity, slowness and good old stories as strategic and perspectives of design in hypermedia and media", in: ICHIM International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting, Toronto CDN, 25.10.2007. McCLOUD, Scott: Understanding Comics: the Invisible Art. HarperCollins, New York, 1993. MCINTOSH, Ben, Randi COHN and Lindsay GRACE, 2010: "Nonlinear Narrative in Games: Theory and Practice" (uploaded August 17, 2010: |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | 80% attendance, interest for narratives. Eagerness in debating the texts. Continuous participation and assistance. Analysis and creation of two narratives resp. one infographic. Presentation and short summary/paper (8.000 character incl. space). |
Termine | Every Monday from 25 September until 11 December 2023 (online via Zoom) |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |