Design en Context (gLV) 

Annotating & Interrogating the design canon
Kategorie: Designgeschichte / Designtheorien /Gesellschaft / Politik / Soziales
Keywords: Decoloniality, Intersectional feminism, Plurliverse, Design Theory, Design History.
Kategorie: Designgeschichte / Designtheorien /Gesellschaft / Politik / Soziales
Keywords: Decoloniality, Intersectional feminism, Plurliverse, Design Theory, Design History.
Angebot für
Nummer und Typ | BDE-BDE-T-WP-4018.23F.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Wahlpflichtmodul Theorie 4. Semester |
Veranstalter | Departement Design |
Leitung | Cherry-Ann Davis |
Zeit | Mo 20. Februar 2023 bis Mo 22. Mai 2023 / 15–17 Uhr |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 6 - 20 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | For DDE Bachelor students: None For ZHdK students of other degree programms or specializations, binding enrollment takes place within the scope of the open lectures (gLV) from 30.1. - 12.2.23 via ClickEnroll (limited number of places). Participation may not overlap with other courses or must be agreed upon advance with the study secretariat responsible for the student. |
Lehrform | Seminar |
Zielgruppen | Bachelor Wahlpflichtseminar für Studierende im 4. Semester |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen |
Inhalte | The story of Western design has been canonised but who and what is missing from that story? Where are the female designers? Did design happen beyond the West? How many stories were silenced or erased in the creation of a Westernised canon? Similar to the use of ‘en’ in the French language to denote time and location, in this case Design en Context explores design theory and history. We travel across time and locations to question and annotate the canon, adding context to things that may have been invisibilized. Lectures include: the pluriverse and concepts of transculturality; culture: visual, material and otherwise; practices of research within indigenous knowledges and critical methodologies, decolonial views and views from the colony, praxis en reality. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Abdulla, D. (2022) Designerly ways of knowing a working inventory of things a designer should know. Eindhoven: Onomatopee. Armstrong, H. (2012) Graphic design theory: Readings from the field. United States: Princeton Architectural Press. Mareis, C., Paim, N. and Abdulla, D. (2021) Design struggles: Intersecting histories, pedagogies, and perspectives. Helvert, M.van and Bandoni, A. (2019) The responsible object: A history of design ideology for the future. Amsterdam etc.: Samenwerkende Uitgevers VOF. Amsterdam: Valiz. Mignolo, W.D., Walsh, C.E. and Mignolo, W.D. (2018) “Decoloniality is an option, not a mission,” in On decoloniality: Concepts, analytics and praxis. Durham: Duke University Press. Vázquez, R. (2021) Vistas of modernity decolonial aesthesis and the end of the contemporary. Amsterdam: Mondriaan Fund. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | 80% Anwesenheit, kurze Gruppenpräsentation im Plenum. |
Termine | Every Monday from 20 February until 22 May 2023 No classes on 10 April / 1 May 2023 |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |