Methodik: Immersive Arts Practices - Shifting Spaces (gLV) 

Practical course focusing on creating immersive experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and their combination by using the technology of the Immersive Arts Space.

Angebot für

Nummer und TypBFI-FIPD-MEp-01.23F.006 / Moduldurchführung
ModulMethodik BFI, 1 Credit 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungChris Elvis Leisi
Stella Speziali
Valentin Karl Huber
07.03. / 14.03. / 21.03. / 28.03. / 04.04. / 11.04. / 18.04. / 25.04. / 02.05. / 09.05.2023

10 dates, 18.45 - 20.30
Anzahl Teilnehmende1 - 25
ECTS1 Credit
ZielgruppenZHdK / alle Studierende (geöffnete Lehrveranstaltung, gLV)
Lernziele / KompetenzenLearn how to work with multiple layers of realities and obtain a basic understanding of immersion and presence. Gain practical skills in generating immersive experiences at the intersection of reality and virtuality.
InhalteThe goal is to create immersive experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and their combination by using the technology of the Immersive Arts Space. Participants will get to know practical methods, procedures and software, including 3D-scanning, photogrammetry, volumetric capture, motion capture, projection mapping and 3D-audio. In small interdisciplinary groups, the participants will explore and combine different technologies and develop their own projects with a special focus on the intersection of reality and virtuality.
Bibliographie / LiteraturWeb site:
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungAttendance and active participation.
Participants need to be aware that they will have to invest additional time between the seminar dates for advancing their practical projects and for learning basic software tools.
Termine07.03. / 14.03. / 21.03. / 28.03. / 04.04. / 11.04. / 18.04. / 25.04. / 02.05. / 09.05.2023
Dauer10 dates, 18.45 - 20.30
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungRegistration by email to with surname, first name, course of study.
Termine (10)