Practice 3: Infrastructural Modes 

Nummer und TypMFA-MFA-Pr00.23F.003 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungChristian Hübler, Lorenza Longhi, Francesca Brusa
ECTS21 Credits
VoraussetzungenCourse language: English
ZielgruppenMA Fine Arts students
Open for exchange students
Lernziele / Kompetenzen
  • Gain an understanding of how infrastructures inform or inscribe into materiality, medium and modes of production
  • Engage with conceptual and material aspects of your artistic practice and reflect how your displays, narrations, atmospheres can share this with awareness
  • Explore and experiment how to create the conditions for a project/artwork to be experienced with challenging capacities for the viewers
  • Develop an awareness for the context surrounding your work and its interplay with material and ideological conditions in terms of production and presentation
  • Students are invited at the end of the semester to present their artworks in self-organised and -curated small group exhibitions
InhalteThe second part of the practice seminar “Infrastructural Modes” investigates the layers and shades of what infrastructures are and can be. It focuses on how their materialities and immaterialities, their codes and rules influence and inspire artistic practices. The seminar follows the steps of research started in the previous semester. If infrastructure is the mediation of that what organizes life, then the work with its structures and failures may open conditions for possible worldings. Through the practice of unpacking, we will focus on the “Infra” - on the gray zones that allow new relations. Infrastructures are inherited from the past - not only through material artefacts and physical configurations, but also through spatial imaginaries, affective relationships, and shared memories. Or they may represent "paths not taken" that inspire dreams of a different, radically different future.
The course addresses practices in art and research that reflect their infrastructural conditions through their displays, webs of narration and in-between relations of production, sociality and affect.
Further we will study formats of exhibitions, frameworks of discursive texts and historical relations. Individual mentorats, group critiques, visit to exhibitions and guests will support the development of each own personal research.

About the lecturers:

Christian Hübler / knowbotiq has been experimenting with forms and medialities of knowledge, political representations and epistemic disobedience. In recent projects knowbotiq is investigating and enacting inhuman geographies with the focus on algorithmic governmentalities, libidinous and affective economies and postcolonial violence.

Lorenza Longhi is an artist who lives and works in Zurich. In her practice, using a variety of media she addresses and contests the everyday as a set of standard functional rules, codes, and forms of signification. In her practice, visual elements taken from communication strategies and objects that have a specific role within our contemporaneity are reproduced and remixed together, using laborious craft techniques as a way to complicate their primary forms, empirically test and question their assumed neutrality.

Francesca Brusa is a researcher and curator inquiring emancipatory practices in the arts with respect to labour and the social field. Her work focuses on practices that offer critical, antagonist perspectives; she sees artworks as instances that contribute to theoretical discourses like sensuous political propositions. From 2018 to 2021 she was appointed research fellow at the Faculty of Design and Art at the Free University of Bolzano. She is completing a PhD in Art Theory and Curating between Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Bibliographie / LiteraturWill be handed out during the course.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungMandatory attendance (minimum 80%); active participation; semester report
TermineTime: 09:00 - 17:00 o'clock

CW 13: 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 March
CW 18: 02 / 03 May

CW 18: 04 / 05 May
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (9)