Technology: Photography: Basic (Double module) 

Nummer und TypBFA-BFA-Te.23F.003 / Moduldurchführung
ModulTechnologie (Doppelmodul) 
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungConradin Frei, Jyrgen Ueberschär
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 14
ECTS6 Credits
VoraussetzungenCourse language: English
Inputs will be in English; mentoring will be in either English or German.
No technical knowledge is required
ZielgruppenBA Fine Arts students
Students graduating in the spring semester 2023 can NOT attend this module
Not open for exchange-students

No registrations through our lecturers will be accepted.
Lernziele / Kompetenzen
  • Learning the digital and analogue basics of photography with the aim of using them in your own artistic practice
  • Reflecting and specifying your artistic work and visual language
InhalteFrom taking the photograph to editing and printing - this double module focuses on examination of photography, both in terms of technology and content. In addition to the introductions listed below, there is space to discuss your own work in group discussions. The aim is to have a printed or projected work on the wall / in the room by the end of the seminar.

The following technical introductions are part of the module:
  • Basics of photographic image (exposure – time – ISO)
  • Introduction to the digital and analogue camera systems at ZHdK
  • Basics of digital image processing (Photoshop, Lightroom, and Capture One)
  • Materialising photographs: large-format inkjet printer, digital C-Print
  • Scanning of source materials, negatives, slides (Imacon/Hasselblad scanner and Epson flatbed scanner)
  • Optional: Lighting / Introduction to the photo studio of ZHdK
Conradin Frei (*1983) studied at the ZHdK, majoring in photography. Since 2010, freelance photographer for magazines, architecture offices, museums and galleries. He is currently working on his first book publication, which will be published in September 2022 by cpress.

Jyrgen Ueberschär (*1978) studied media art from 2002-2008 at the University of Art and Design Karlsruhe (HfG/ZKM) with Lois Renner and Elger Esser and with Jürgen Klauke at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. In his photography, installations and film sequences, Ueberschär develops spatial scenarios at the interface between reality and fiction. He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in Germany, Holland, Spain, Korea, Italy, France and China. Workshops and lectures, among others at the Academy of Art Nuremberg and the Musée de l'Elysée Lausanne.
Bibliographie / LiteraturWill be handed out during the course
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungMandatory attendance 100%; active participation. Absences must be reported in advance.
TermineTime: 09:15 - 17:00 o'clock

CW 16: 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 April
CW 19: 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 May
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (67)