Studio 2 

Nummer und TypMDE-VIA-MO-1002.04.23F.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulStudio 2 
VeranstalterDepartement Design
LeitungDr. Roman Kirschner
Anthea Östereicher
Di 2. Mai 2023 bis Fr 9. Juni 2023 / 9–17 Uhr
ECTS4 Credits
LehrformDesign Studio
ZielgruppenPflichtmodul 1. Semester Master of Arts in Design, Vertiefung Interaktion
Lernziele / KompetenzenStudents will:
  • analyse and design of ecological interactions
  • develop interaction design concepts that address urgent environmental and social issues
  • explore and deepen each own creative and thematic interests by dealing with the topics and positions presented
  • become familiar with explorative and knowledge-oriented approaches and processes
  • let this discussion inform the individual master projects.
InhalteThe emphasis of Studio II: Ecological Interactions is on analysing ecological phenomena with their social consequences and prototyping interaction ideas. In this project-based course, students will critically analyse and explore the tools, skills, and production methods of current and emerging technologies.
Bibliographie / LiteraturLiterature will be announced in the seminar.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungActive and regular attendance (min. 80%); practical course work; deliverables, presentations.
Termine02.05.2023-05.05.2023 09:00-17:00
11.05.2023 09:00-17:00
12.05.2023 09:00-17:00
16.05.2023 09:00-17:00
17.05.2023 09:00-17:00
19.05.2023 09:00-17:00
30.05.2023-09.06.2023 09:00-17:00
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungThe module will be in English, including discussions and literature.
Termine (16)