Walking Water Ways: Design Ethnography of Water 

Wahlpflicht Einblicke & Ausblicke Workshop 2
Nummer und TypMDE-MDE-WP-AG-1000.23F.002 / Moduldurchführung
ModulWahlpflicht Anwendungsorientierte Grundlagen 1.Semester 
VeranstalterDepartement Design
LeitungRasa Weber
Noemi Chow
Anzahl Teilnehmende1 - 11
ECTS0 Credits
Zielgruppen1. Semester Studierende des Masters of Arts in Design
Lernziele / KompetenzenDesign Ethnographical Methods, Fieldwork for Designers, Data visualization of field work, visualization of Design Ethnography eg video, sound, images, sketches, field notes.
InhalteBy 2025, two thirds of the world's population could be affected by water scarcity. In Switzerland, we consume just over 160 liters of freshwater per person per day. In light of the climate crisis, the availability and distribution of freshwater is changing at a shocking pace and must be considered on a global scale.

Water can be considered an invisible asset. Although we deal with it every day, its preciousness and limited availability are usually not felt in our daily interactions. As designers, we can amplify and translate the impact of such a precious resource. In the course „Einblicke Ausblicke," MA design students learn and apply design ethnographic methods to investigate the meaning of freshwater in public spaces.

The course "Walking Water Ways" invites students to explore the narratives that unfold along the future of freshwater availability and its potential scarcity. Divided into field research groups, they will collect their own data, develop individual approaches to visualize the issue and make it tangible for a public audience. A visit to the wastewater treatment plant ARA Küsnacht will provide insights into the underground network interconnections of freshwater distribution and purification. Instructors Rasa Weber (design researcher interaction design, design anthropology methods) and Noemi Chow (design researcher, knowledge visualization) will provide insights into their practice and offer guidance on the journey from fluid field research methodology to science communication.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungMind. 80% Anwesenheit, aktive Teilnahme, sowie Abgabe der geforderten Leistungsnachweise.
Termine03.-05.04.2023, ganztags
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungDer Workshop ist Bestandteil des Moduls 'Anwendungsorientierte Grundlagen 1' und zwingend für das erfolgreiche Bestehen des Moduls. Es werden parallel drei Workshops zur Wahlpflicht angeboten. Einschreibung via ClickEnroll zu gegebenem Zeitpunkt.
Termine (3)