Kurt Widorski
3 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2102.23F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-15-2.23F.002

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-15-2.23F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-16.23F.001

Nanine Linning, Stella Speziali
2 CreditsMDA-MDA-1100.23F.008

Leandro Gianini
2 CreditsMKT-VKO-SEAK-KE08-4.23F.001

Benjamin Jermann
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8008.23F.012

Peter Junker
0 CreditsMPE-VIV-KE12.23F.007

Studierende der HKB Bern
2 Creditsmae-vkp-202.23F.001

Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-008.23F.003_(MTH/BTH)

Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.23F.025_(MTH/BTH)

Dr. phil. Björn Franke
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PB-1001.23F.001

Sophia Prinz
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PC-1001.23F.001

Dr. phil. Björn Franke
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PB-3000.23F.001

Sophia Prinz
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PC-3000.23F.001

Sophie Vögele, Hew Laura
1 Creditbae-bae-vt401-03.23F.001

Dr. Ulrike Meyer Stump
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-4024.23F.001

Dennis Bäsecke-Beltrametti
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8008.23F.008

Peter Purtschert
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.23F.002

Peter Purtschert
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.23F.005

André Desponds
1 CreditDMU-WKMP-4206.23F.001

Burkhard Kinzler
1 CreditDMU-WKMA-2412.23F.001

Yvonne Naef, Annette Uhlen
2 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8004.23F.007

Yvonne Naef, Annette Uhlen
2 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8004.23F.006

Dr. Paola De Martin
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-2019.23F.001

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kiefer
3 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-03.23F.009

Prof. Dr. Sandra Umathum
3 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-03.23F.010

Angelika Eva Moths, Felix Baumann
3 CreditsMKT-VTH-KE06.23F.001

Irene Vögeli und Judith Siegmund
1 CreditMTR-MTR-2004A.23F.001

Sigrid Adorf
2 Creditsmae-vkp-206.23F.001

Florian Dombois, Sascha Jösler
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.23F.002

Katja Gläss und Nicole Frei
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.23F.003

Katja Gläss, Patrick Müller, Basil Rogger, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.23F.004

Peter Kuntner, Jana Thierfelder, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.23F.005

Julie Beauvais, Caro Baur, Patrick Müller
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.23F.008

Judith Buchmann
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8008.23F.007

Sabine Gisiger
Dozierende: Sabine Gisiger, Christian Iseli und Gäste
1 CreditMFI-VDFp.BFI.23F.001

Chris Elvis Leisi
Stella Speziali
Valentin Karl Huber
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-MEp-01.23F.006

Suna Yamaner, Chantal Haunreiter
1 CreditBFI-BFI-MEp-01.23F.003

Verantwortlich: Mira Sack, Katharina Stephan
Dozierende: Mobile Albania // Roland Siegwald, Till Korfhage, Katharina Stephan
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-04.23F.002

Andreas Zihler
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.23F.002

Sebastian Piekarek
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.23F.003

Stefach Bircher,
Assistenz: Naomi Erlich
1 CreditBDE-VCA-V-4104-2.23F.001

Patrick Müller, Julie Beauvais, Caro Baur
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.23F.001

Eirini Sourgiadaki, Kathrin Doppler
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.23F.002

Ulrich Görlich, Jana Thierfelder, Irene Vögeli
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.23F.003

Irene Vögeli, Basil Rogger, Caro Baur
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23F.001

Basil Rogger, Irene Vögeli, Patrick Müller
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23F.002

Delphine Chapuis-Schmitz, Antoine Chessex
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23F.003

Caroline Baur, Katja Gläss, Patrick Müller
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23F.005

Irene Vögeli, Basil Rogger, Caro Baur
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.23F.007

Charlotte Hug
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8008.23F.005

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kiefer (JK)
3 CreditsBTH-VDR-L-388.23F.001

Seraina Dür (SD)
4 CreditsBTH-VTP-L-5130.23F.001

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kiefer (JK), Syslvia Sobottka (SySo)
3 CreditsFTH-BTH-VDR-L-30111.23F.001_(MTH/BTH)

Leitung: Sabine Gisiger, Christian Iseli
0 CreditsDDK-MFI-BFI-ZDOK.MC.01.23F.003

Bernadette Kolonko
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.23F.004

Sabine Gisiger, Dozenten: Christian Iseli, Maurizius Stärkle Drux und Gäste
1 CreditDDK-MFI-BFI-ZDOK.01.23F.003

Angelika Eva Moths
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23F.006

Daniella Gerszt
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23F.003

Burkhard Kinzler
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23F.008

Vadym Rakochi
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.23F.010

Gerald Raunig
3 CreditsBFA-BFA-Th.23F.008

Maike Thies (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, BA Game Design)
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-X-1234.23F.001

Dr. Paola de Martin
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-2016.23F.001

Dieter Ringli
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.23F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.23F.002
Theory: Art & Sculpture (gLV) 

Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | BFA-BFA-Th.23F.005 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Theorie |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Meret Kaufmann |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 18 |
ECTS | 3 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Course language: English |
Zielgruppen | BA Fine Arts students Open for exchange students Interested BA students of other study programmes can register from 01 to 19 February 2023 by ClickEnroll; https://intern.zhdk.ch/?ClickEnroll Interested MA students write an email between 01 to 19 February 2023 to: studium.dfa@zhdk.ch We will inform you by e-mail in CW 8 whether participation is possible. Applications before 01 February 2023 will not be accepted. No registrations through our lecturers will be accepted. |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen |
Inhalte | The module introduces key art historical debates and theoretical terms regarding the practice of sculpture. Through specific case studies spanning from the early 20th century to the present, the course asks what distinguishes sculpture from other art forms – from painting and poetry, to installation and object. Through selected texts and films, group work and discussions, excursions in public space and to the Kunstgiesserei St. Gallen, we explore the multiple dimensions of sculpture as a spatial practice – which shapes and is in turn shaped by spheres of the social and psychic as well as organic and technological bodies. Meret Kaufmann (*1989) studied art history and theatre studies at Freie Universität Berlin and University College London, where she is currently working on her doctorate. She works across research, teaching, writing and exhibition making in various institutions and projects. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Will be handed out during the course. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Mandatory attendance (minimum 80%); active participation |
Termine | Time: 09:15 - 17:00 o'clock CW 13: 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 March |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |