Theory: Art & Video (gLV)
Angebot für
Nummer und Typ | BFA-BFA-Th.22H.005 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Theorie |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Jörg Scheller |
Zeit | |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 18 |
ECTS | 3 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Course language: English |
Zielgruppen | BA Fine Arts students - except students of the 1st semester Open for exchange-students Interested BA students of other study programmes can register from 29th August to 11th September 2021 by ClickEnroll; Interested MA students write an email between 01 to 19 September 2022 to: We will inform you by e-mail in week 38 whether participation is possible. Applications before 01 September 2022 will not be accepted. |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen |
Inhalte | For the most part of their history, visual arts equalled static images. This changed significantly in the second half of the 20th century. With new media technologies such as video cameras available at low prices, the art system began to brim with electronic moving images and sound. Video art emerged, along with media, performance, and body art, thus challenging established hierarchies of technologies. This seminar gives an introduction into the origins and the developments of electronic time-based visual arts from the post-war period to today with examplea of artists such as Nam June Paik, Bruce Nauman, Ulrike Rosenbach, Ericka Beckman, Artur Zmijewski, Anna Baumgart, Ragnar Kjartansson, Mika Rottenberg, Wu Tzu-An and many more. Jörg Scheller (*1979) is professor of art history and permanent guest professor at the Poznan University of the Arts, Poland. His essays are regularly published a.o. in DIE ZEIT, NZZ, frieze magazine, Camera Austria. Besides, he is the singer and bassist of the metal duo Malmzeit and a fitness instructor. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Will be handed out during the course. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Mandatory attendance (minimum 80%); active participation |
Termine | Time: 09:15 - 17:00 o'clock CW 40: 03 / 05 / 06 / 07 October Excursion: CW 40: 05 October (13.00 - 17.00 o'clock) IMPORTANT: CW 40: 04 October (Classes just from 13:00 - 17:00 o'clock) |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |