Akrobatik mit Partner:innen - TRAINING 

Blockstruktur: 2

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Nummer und TypFTH-BTH-VSC-L-607.22H.004_(MTH/BTH) / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungAmir Modaï (AM)
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 12
ECTS1 Credit
ZielgruppenL2 VSC / L2 VTP / L2 VRE / L2 VDR
L3 VSC / L3 VTP / L3 VRE / L3 VDR


+ Master Theater/MTH alle Vertiefungen (total 3 Plätze)
Lernziele / KompetenzenIn this training unit we will explore different possibilities of partner play, through figures of traditional partner acrobatics and Acro-Yoga. This work is aimed at developing awareness to space in challenging situations and providing a solid partner for one's colleagues. Handstand training is also an essential part of the work, developing stability and core strength, all while breathing and staying reactive.
InhaltePartner work and partner play are paramount for stage work. We will try to find ways to heighten our awareness of our own and our partner's bodies, so that physical impulses can be generated, received and perceived more accurately and clearly.
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderunggem. Angaben der/des Modulverantwortlichen
TermineRaum: Tanzstudio
DauerAnzahl Wochen: 6 (HS: Wo:44-49) / Modus: 2x1,5h/Wo_Mo/Mi, jeweils 08.30-10.00h
Selbststudiumszeit pro Semester: ca.
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (12)