Emma Fisher, Pavel Štourac, Emanuel Rosenberg
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-04.22H.005

Prof. Dr. R. Weihe, Accademia Dimitri; Dr. Veronica Provenzale, ATD; Dr. Riccardo Bernardini, Fondazione Eranos; Gabriella Scardi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.22H.009

Regula Schröter, Björn Müller (Tranformatiker)
3 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-03.22H.001

Hanna B. Hölling (DozentinKonservierung und Restaurierung HKB), Johannes M.Hedinger (Künstler, Kurator, Zürich)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.22H.005

Leitung: Regina Dürig (Autorin); Gast: Luzia Hürzeler (Künstlerin)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.22H.007

Leitung: Barbara Balba Weber (Kulturvermittlerin HKB), Francesco Micieli (Autor)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.22H.006

Alexander Giesche und Regula Schröter
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-04.22H.001

Franziska Baumann, Sängerin, Improvisatorin, Komponistin
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.22H.004
HKB / Ecologies of Collaboration 

Campus Wahlmodul / Master Class / Kursangebot der Partnerschule (HKB)
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MTH-MTH-WPM-02.22H.002 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Master-Campus-Theater-CH 02 ECTS |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Lucie Tuma |
Ort | Zikadenweg 35 , Bern |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 5 - 15 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Inhalte | „For its part, mental ecosophy will lead us to reinvent the relation of the subject to the body, to phantasm, to the passage of time, to the 'mysteries' of life and death. It will lead us to search for antidotes to mass-media and telematic standardization, the conformism of fashion, the manipulation of opinion by advertising, surveys, etc. Its ways of operating will be more like those of an artist, rather than of professional psychiatrists who are always haunted by an outmoded ideal of scientificity.“ Félix Guattari: The Three Ecologies With this workshop I propose a set of practices we will engage with over the course of the week. Both reflecting and distancing as well as generating and immersing in materials are part of a creative process. Within this context, authorship is understood as a complex process of relationships between people, materials and different phases of intensity over the course of making a work. We will be invested in questions that arise at the beginning of a process: How to find and set up material for work(s)? Which decisions are crucial, what questions are helpful when setting up a course of events, that hopefully will lead to unexpected results? For once, we focus on material driven processes: How does it work, when materials and not so much our ideas about them set the course of action? Engaging on site and with the site as a material, we will read The Three Ecologies by Félix Guattari and extracts from contemporary eco-feminist writings. I will introduce a methodology for collective authorship which we will base at the center of our practical work. This writing methodology follows a given procedure. Not unlike tending to a garden or fostering environments through strategies from permaculture, there are moments when to step in and act and others when to let go and wait. Alongside practical activities linked to the notion of collective authoring, we will engage with reading together, with somatic practices, we will go for a walk and watch one or two film. You don’t need to prepare anything before hand, texts will be handed out on location. Please bring two objects of your choice with you. |
Termine | 10.10. - 13.10.2022 |
Dauer | 10:30h - 17:30h |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Englisch |