Interdisziplinärer Workshop Nr. 1. Defunct context: imagining infrastructures, facilitating narrative 

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Nummer und Typmae-mtr-101.22H.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulInterdisziplinärer Workshop 
VeranstalterDepartement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
LeitungGeorge Mahashe
Di 10. Januar 2023 bis Fr 13. Januar 2023 / 9–17 Uhr
OrtRaum 7.F03
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 15
ECTS2 Credits
LehrformWorkshop mit praktischen Übungen
ZielgruppenMA Art Education, MA Transdisziplinarität, MA Musikpädagogik (Schulmusik)
InhalteThe workshop will take the form of a practical realisation of a structure for housing a camera obscura and its associated practices, drawing on my current research project —defunct context: Pavilion Prototype 2. The workshop is interested in the question of infrastructures and how we assert, recover, and practice our capacity for producing them. Exploring the idea of a light timber pavilion, narrative making and self-published Pamphlets as infrastructures crucial for occupying a contemporaneous space and to resist ongoing marginalisation associated with colonialism and capitalism.

Conceptually the work draws on my interest around the myths associated with Balobedu people from northeastern South Africa and how such mythology informed the work I did alongside astrophysicist searching for habitable planets – Balobedu are famous as makers of apparitions with complex knowledge of stars and how they relate to weather patterns. Through taking what is often considered mythology seriously, I thought through ideas of a forest and the atmospheric turbulence it produces as an observatory, leading to questions around what kinds of infrastructure could facilitate a contemporary Khelobedu observatory today. The process of making pamphlets is particularly aimed at recovering one’s capacity to publicly contribute their narrative without complicated infrastructures, reflecting on how in most cases my cultural history exists as a series of simple handwritten notebooks and cheap printed pamphlets made by enthusiasts. The pavilion prototype is a timber pavilion, imagined as a self-assembly, modular structure that can be erected by a group of 5-10 people. As a project it is interested in recovering one’s capacity to imagine themselves as maker of infrastructure in a context were that capacity is often outsourced to the state or upper-class publics. It is as much a space of thinking through what I might want out of an exhibitionary space, functioning as open-air arena, a black/white cube, all the way to a space for experiencing VR technologies.

Overall, I mostly tell tall stories about Modjadji, the famed Rain Queen of Balobedu, as I grapple with the many fields and disciplines, I need to traverse to surface a conducive narrative around my own culture. The workshop will involve collectively making some form of physical structure, exchanging narrative daily and devising ways of sharing this narrative in printed/textual form or through further narratives.
Bibliographie / LiteraturMahashe. T.G., 2021. Mashogojo, Mašokošoko, Boshokoshoko: notes for a story yet to be written. Iteration 1, copper and brass wire bound notebook series printed on occasion of the exhibition Handle with Care presented at Javett Art Centre. Available for download:

Ose, E.D., 2014. Enthusiasm: Collectiveness, politics, and aesthetics. Journal Of Contemporary African Art, 2014(34), pp.24-33.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungPräsenz und aktive Teilnahme, Entwicklung eines Beitrags für die gemeinsame Präsentation am Freitag Nachmittag
TermineHerbstsemester 2022

Dienstag bis Freitag 10.–13. Januar 2023
jeweils 9.00 bis 17.00

Raum 7.F03
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungThe workshop will be held in English.

Dieser Workshop ist eine von fünf gleichzeitig stattfindenden Veranstaltungen. Die Studierenden arbeiten an den ersten drei Tagen je von
9.00 h bis 17.00 h, am vierten Tag von 9.00 h bis 12.00 h am jeweiligen Thema; der Nachmittag des vierten Tages ist dem wechselseitigen Kennenlernen der Überlegungen und Resultate gewidmet.

Ab dem Studienjahr 2021-2022 gilt für MAE-Studierende, dass sie Veranstaltungen, die im Vorlesungsverzeichnis unter Basisprogramm ausgeschrieben sind, in einem Umfang von zehn ECTS besuchen müssen. Die restlichen zehn ECTS können auch in anderen Veranstaltungen (z.B. in geöffneten Lehrveranstaltungen, im Shared Campus, in aussercurriculären Projekten, Labs oder in Form von persönlichen Projekten) absolviert werden. Adressat:innen für zugehörige Verständigungen sind Ruedi Widmer als Basisprogramm-Verantwortlicher oder die Vertiefungsleiter:innen.

Termine (4)