Master-Symposium: When History Is Yet The Present
Yvonne Wilhelm, Judith Welter, Francesca Brusa
3 CreditsMFA-MFA-Sy03.22H.001
Pool 4: Venice Biennial (Excursion)
Judith Welter, Maria Eichhorn, Nicola Genovese
3 CreditsMFA-MFA-Po00.22H.004
Practice 1: What We Do And What Makes Us Do What We Do
Yvonne Wilhelm, Uriel Orlow, Rabea Ridlhammer
21 CreditsMFA-MFA-Pr00.22H.001
Practice 2: Pavilionesque Newspaper
Marie-France Rafael, Paulina Matylda Olowska, Rabea Ridlhammer
21 CreditsMFA-MFA-Pr00.22H.002
Practice 3: Infrastructural Modes
Christian Hübler, Lorenza Longhi, Francesca Brusa
21 CreditsMFA-MFA-Pr00.22H.003
Practice 5: Thinking Big, Small & Many
Dominique Lämmli, Nils Röller, Gritli Faulhaber
21 CreditsMFA-MFA-Pr00.22H.005
Practice 3: Infrastructural Modes
Nummer und Typ | MFA-MFA-Pr00.22H.003 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Practice: |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Christian Hübler, Lorenza Longhi, Francesca Brusa |
ECTS | 21 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Course language: English |
Zielgruppen | MA Fine Arts students Open for exchange students |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen |
Inhalte | Why to focus on Infrastructure, a term beloved of planners and technocrats? And why in the context of artistic practices? One might say, infrastructure is the condition of our lives: it determines spaces, discipline bodies, allocates resources and privileges. It enables intervention in living processes on all scales in previously unthinkable ways, often without any critical interrogation. Infrastructure eludes representation and one possibility of making it tangible are speculative artistic practices and imaginative invention. The practice seminar investigates the shades of what infrastructure is, can be, with a focus on how its materiality, immateriality, its codes and rules influence and inspire artistic practices. Focusing on artistic positions and critical readings, we will reflect how the infrastructural context is inevitably intertwined with our own artistic practices, with our ways of presenting and exhibiting. The seminar will explore artists engaging in infrastructural conditions. We will discuss artists as Andrea Fraser, Ghislaine Leung, BANK Fax-Bak Service, Dan Graham, Theaster Gates, Forensic Architecture and others We will visit exhibitions in Zurich, have group mentorates and engage in collective thinking. The ZHdK will also be a place for investigation, being itself a big algorithmic controlled infrastructure we found ourselves existing within. The second week will revolve around mentorates and “Werkdiskurse”. About the lecturers: Christian Hübler / knowbotiq has been experimenting with forms and medialities of knowledge, political representations and epistemic disobedience. In recent projects knowbotiq is investigating and enacting inhuman geographies with the focus on algorithmic governmentalities, libidinous and affective economies and postcolonial violence. Lorenza Longhi is an artist who lives and works in Zurich. In her practice, using a variety of media she addresses and contests the everyday as a set of standard functional rules, codes, and forms of signification. In her practice, visual elements taken from communication strategies and objects that have a specific role within our contemporaneity are reproduced and remixed together, using laborious craft techniques as a way to complicate their primary forms, empirically test and question their assumed neutrality. Francesca Brusa is a researcher and curator inquiring emancipatory practices in the arts with respect to labour and the social field. Her work focuses on practices that offer critical, antagonist perspectives; she sees artworks as instances that contribute to theoretical discourses like sensuous political propositions. From 2018 to 2021 she was appointed research fellow at the Faculty of Design and Art at the Free University of Bolzano. She is completing a PhD in Art Theory and Curating between Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Will be handed out during the course. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Mandatory attendance (minimum 80%); active participation; semester report |
Termine | Time: 10:00 - 18:00 o'clock CW 39: 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 September CW 48: 28 / 29 / 30 November Critiques: CW 48: 01 / 02 December |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |