Akrobatik 2_für Fortgeschrittene - TRAINING
Amir Modaï (AM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-607.22H.005_(MTH/BTH)
Artikulation & Geläufigkeit_Grundstufe - TRAINING
Oliver Mannel (OM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-616.22H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Bewegungsarten/Bewegungsqualitäten_nur BA-VSC - TRAINING
Efrat Stempler (ESt)
1 CreditBTH-VSC-L-6121.22H.001_nur BA-VSC
Choreographische Anfänge - TRAINING
Johannes Voges (JoVo)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.22H.020_(MTH/BTH)
Critical Thinking - Verletzbare Körper, Vulnerability - TRAINING - (gLV)
Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.22H.025_(MTH/BTH)
Critical Thinking Basic - TRAINING - (gLV)
Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-008.22H.003_(MTH/BTH)
Der dramatische Akzess/Prüfung_VTP/VRE/VDR/VBN - AKZESS_(SC)
Prof. Anton Rey (AR), ext. Expertin: Noëmi Berger
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-005.22H.001
Der Kulturwissenschaftliche Akzess/Prüfung_VTP/VRE/VDR - AKZESS_(SC)
Maren Rieger (MaRi), Prüfungsexpertin: Pica Cubello (PC)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-007.22H.001
Die Maske des Roten Todes (E.A. Poe) - ein musikalisch-phantastisches Projekt - ENTDECKEN/ERWEITERN_(SC)
Prof. Peter Ender (PE), Till Löffler (TL)
2 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0021.22H.001
Embodied Audio Drama: Hörstück verkörpert gespielt verspielt - PROBIEREN_(SC)
Martin von Allmen (MvA), Oliver Mannel (OM)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.22H.006
Englische Gegenwartsdramatik - ENTDECKEN/ERWEITERN_(SC)
Sophia Yiallouros (SY)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.22H.002
Family matters - TRAINING
Sabine Harbeke (SH), Réjane Dreifuss (RD)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.22H.005_(MTH/BTH)
Forum Schauspiel - TREFFPUNKT_(SC)
Prof. Peter Ender (PE) oder Philipp Becker (PhiBe)
1 CreditBTH-VSC-L-6030.22H.001
Für alle reicht es nicht - Stimme als Experiment - ENTDECKEN/ERWEITERN_(SC)
Mandy Fabian Osterhage (MFO)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.22H.001
Grundprinzipien der Gesangsstimmbildung_VTP - TRAINING
Johannes Michael Blume (Blu)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VTP-L-515.22H.001_(MTH/BTH)
KASA-Training B_für Fortgeschrittene - TRAINING
Matthias Walter (MaWa)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-608.22H.002_(MTH/BTH)
Körper und Repräsentation - ENTDECKEN/ERWEITERN_(SC)
Lukas Schmocker (LS), Sylvia Sobottka (SySo)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.22H.005
Levelprüfung_VSC L2: Mündliche Prüfung & Präsentation
Kommission: Prof. Peter Ender (PE), Mandy Fabian Osterhage (MFO), Matthias Fankhauser (MaFa), Efrat Stempler (ESt), Julia Stanoeva (JS),
externe:r Experte:in: Maximilian Hanisch
4 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0020_Admin.22H.005
Life isn’t binary - Dualismen dezentrieren - TRAINING
Luca Rudolf (LR)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.22H.031_(MTH/BTH)
Meditation und Präsenz - TRAINING
Christopher Kriese (CKri), Katharina Cromme (KC)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-406.22H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Sophia Yiallouros (SY) / krankheitsbedingter Dozierenden-Ersatz: Tatjana Sebben
2 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0021.22H.004
Phrasierung und Improvisieren_nur BA-VSC - TRAINING
Efrat Stempler (ESt)
1 CreditBTH-VSC-L-6121.22H.002_nur BA-VSC
Recherchenbasierte Theaterprojekte: Chancen, Risiken und Nebenwirkungen - TRAINING
Tim Zulauf (TZ)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.22H.013_(MTH/BTH)
Singen_Liedrepertoire VSC L2/EZ/2 Sem. - STIMME/SPRECHEN VERTIEFEN_(SC)
Till Löffler (TL)
1 CreditBTH-VSC-L-6010.22H.001
Singen_Stimmbildung VSC L2/EZ/3 Sem. - STIMME/SPRECHEN VERTIEFEN_(SC)
Johannes-Michael Blume (Blu)
1 CreditBTH-VSC-L-6120.22H.001
Tobias Keil (TK)
1 CreditBTH-VSC-L-613.22H.001
Iris Gold (IS)
1 CreditBTH-VSC-L-613.22H.002
Matthias Walter (MaWa)
1 CreditBTH-VSC-L-613.22H.003
Oliver Mannel (OM)
1 CreditBTH-VSC-L-613.22H.004
Sprechtraining "Resonanz"_Fortgeschrittene - TRAINING
Oliver Mannel (OM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-616.22H.012_(MTH/BTH)
Stanislawski Fundament for Acting - ENTDECKEN/ERWEITERN_(SC)
Anupras Jucius (AJu)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.22H.008
Subtexte: Es sind nicht die Worte, es ist die Beziehung - ENTDECKEN/ERWEITERN_(SC)
Mandy Fabian Osterhage (MFO)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.22H.004
Szene Gegenwartsdramatik - ENTDECKEN/ERWEITERN_(SC)
Philipp Becker (PhiBe)
3 CreditsBTH-VSC-L-621.22H.001
TALKING SPACES-Bühnenbildbesprechung - TRAINING
Klara Mand (KM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.22H.011_(MTH/BTH)
Textgattungen entschlüsseln - ENTDECKEN/ERWEITERN_(SC)
Leon Ospald (LO)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.22H.017
Von dramatisch bis postdramatisch - TRAINING
Monika Gysel (MoGy)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-412.22H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Von Einer zum Anderen - Szenenarbeit für L2.1 VSC - ENTDECKEN/ERWEITERN_(SC)
Sophia Yiallouros (SY), Matthias Fankhauser (MaFa)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.22H.009
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben - TRAINING
Yvonne Schmidt (YS)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.22H.017_(MTH/BTH)
Zeitung lesen mit Gästen - TRAINING
Sabine Harbeke (SH), Gäste
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-4000.22H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Blockstruktur: 3
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | BTH-BTH-L-0021.22H.002 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Modulvorlage VSC/VTP/VRE/VDR_2 |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Amir Modaï (AM) |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 3 - 13 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Lehrform | Workshop |
Zielgruppen | L2 VSC (PK8 im CR): Wahlmöglichkeit (CR3/kein PK gesetzt): L2 VTP L3.3 / L3.4 VSC (AVO's) / L3 VTP |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Students will learn the fundamental skills that bring a clown to life on stage: breath, contact with the audience and articulation in the body. We will dive into the process first defined by Jacques Lecoq of discovering what is funny about each person. We will do a careful observation of each students way of moving, and use this as a map to lead us to the particular form of their clown. Students will discover the voice, costume and status of their clown and do a series of improvisations designed to expand the depth and range of their play By learning how to embody and play out the impulses that are encoded in individual movement patterns, we embrace the specific way that each of us is hilariously funny. We tap into a rich source of creative energy and a moving force for the actor and the scene. The clarity of presence required for this style gives the actor powerful tools for genuinely feeling what moves them and using this to move their audience. |
Inhalte | In this module we will explore the rich, hilarious world of theatrical clowning. In this vibrant style, the simple presence of the actor, revealing themselves generously to the audience, is the source comedy that can be touching, poetic and ridiculous all at the same time. We will work precisely and playfully to reveal the specific way that each person is funny. Students will discover their clown, a comic character based on their unique way of moving, with its own rhythm, voice and way of relating to the world. We will explore audience interaction, the presentation of skills, song, dance and the ecstatic ""state"" of play that makes the simplest actions impossibly funny. In the second part of the module we will explore life themes from the perspective of the clown. We will deepen the research by improvising in the clown state, on life themes such as birth, death, work, love and illness. We will explore the relationship between the clowns and the classic archetypes from the dramatic literature. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | gem. Angaben der/des Modulverantwortlichen |
Termine | Raum: 1 grosser Probenraum (nicht Tanzstudio) |
Dauer | Anzahl Wochen: 2 (HS: Wo:50/51) / Modus: total 9x3h/Wo Kontaktunterricht + 1x3h/Wo Selbststudium gem. Stundenplan_Mo/Di/Mi/Do/Fr, 10.30-13.30h + 16.30-19.30h Selbststudiumszeit pro Semester: ca. 6h |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |