Annäherungen an die menschliche Figur
Cécile Huber, Dozentin DKV
Erika Fankhauser Schürch, Dozentin DKV
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K106.1.22H.001
Axolotls, Frankenstein and Other Beloved Monsters
Monster Chetwynd, Künstlerin, Dozentin DFA, BA Fine Arts
Sarah Burger, Künstlerin, Dozentin DDK, BA Bühnenbild
Rahel Kesselring, Bühnenbildnerin, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin DDK, MA Bühnenbild
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P054.2.22H.001
Commoning Curatorial and Artistic Education
Dorothee RICHTER, Head of MAS Curating and Professor, Continuing Education | Head of PhD in Practice in Curating (ZHdK)
Ronald KOLB, Co-Head of MAS Curating (ZHdK)
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-L016.1.22H.001
Commoning Curatorial and Artistic Education
Dorothee RICHTER, Head of MAS Curating and Professor, Continuing Education | Head of PhD in Practice in Curating (ZHdK)
Ronald KOLB, Co-Head of MAS Curating (ZHdK)
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-L016.2.22H.001
Die Fotografie und das Licht: Warm-kalt, diffus-gerichtet.
Conradin Frei, Lehrt im BA Fine Arts, Fotograf:
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K146.1.22H.001
Falling in Love
Studierendenprojekt: Denise Baltensperger MA Curatorial Studies, Vincent Loup, BA Szenischer Raum, Aleksandra Sucur BA Komposition für Film, Theater und Medien, Mentoriert: Dr. phil. Antonio Scarponi, Dozent im MA Art Education und BA Interaction Design
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P061.2.22H.001
Farbe und Licht im Raum
Marcus Pericin, DDE, Co-Leiter Farb-Licht-Zentrum
Florian Bachmann, Dozent DKV, Co-Leiter Farb-Licht-Zentrum
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P037.2.22H.001
Hacking Global Pop Icons, Zürich
Tom Gerber — Director for Feature Films and TV series, Movie Editor and Lecturer (ZHdK)
Claudio Bucher — Author, Music Producer, Cultural Advisor (ZHdK)
6 CreditsZMO-ZMO-L007.3.22H.001
History Reviewed - We Can't Forget How to Move
William Davis, Associate Professor (ZHdK)
Chi Wo Warren LEUNG Associate Professor (SCM)
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-L019.2.22H.001
Immersive Landschaften in Kunst und Film
Thomas Isler, Dozent Departement Fine Arts, Miriam Loertscher, Filmforscherin DDK, Jyrgen Ueberschär, Departement Fine Arts, Valentin Huber, DDK, Stella Speziali, i. A. Space, Eric Larrieux, i.A. Space
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P044.2.22H.001
Johannes M. Hedinger, DDE (Kunst, Kuration, Transdisziplinarität)
Annemarie Bucher, DFA (Theorie, Architektur, Ethnologie)
Brigitte Dätwyler, DKV (Kunst, Vermittlung, Performance)
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P034.2.22H.001
Photoshop Basic
Markus Käch, dipl. audiovisueller Gestalter
Departement Design
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K149.1.22H.001
Projektmanagement - Schritt für Schritt
Danica Zeier, Stv. Studienleiterin MAS Strategic Design, Founder und Roy Schedler, Leiter Marketing und Partnerschaften am Swiss Science Center Technorama in Winterthur
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K110.1.22H.001
Remote Guide to Extractivism
Nuria KRÄMER, Programme Manager, Shared Campus
| Deputy Head, Transcultural Collaboration
Andreas KOHLI, Professor, BA Design, Department of Design | Professor, BA Art Education, Department of Cultural Analysis (ZHdK) (TG coordinator)
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-L018.2.22H.001
Repeat ... Tapeten mit Siebdruck
Prof. Nadia Graf, Dozentin Bachelor Fine Arts, DFA
Denise Schwab, Dozentin DKV und Werkstattverantwortliche Siebdruck
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K144.2.22H.001
Rhythmus. Timing. Am eigenen Leib.
Steffen A. Schmidt (Dr. phil. habil.), Musik-/ Kulturwissenschaftler, Pianist für BA contemporary Dance, Dozent für Filmmusik, Musiktheater & Kulturwissenschaft
Gastdozierende: Stephan Teuwissen, Dramaturg, Anna Huber, Tänzerin, Choreographin u.a.
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K125.2.22H.001
Rivers. Jugular Veins of Empire
Martin NEWTH, Programme Director Fine Art, Chelsea College of Arts (UAL)
?Rada LEU, Artist, Musician, Teaching Assistant (ZHdK)
6 CreditsZMO-ZMO-L020.3.22H.001
Show me your Error! Drucktechniken (Risographie und Hochdruck) als Laborversuch
Rebecca Morganti-Pfaffhauser
Meike Eckstein
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K124.2.22H.001
Sounds and Visions in extremer Umgebung
Lucas Niggli , Dozent DMU
Georg Bringolf, Dozent DDK
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K130.1.22H.001
Mandy Fabian Osterhage, Schauspielerin / Dozentin Departement Darstellende Künste und Film &
Matthias Fankhauser / Dozent Departement Darstellende Künste und Film
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K103.1.22H.001
Gilles Aubry, Klangkünstler (MA in Sound Art ) und Forscher (PhD in social anthropology)
Eliane Binggeli-Esposito, Malerin und Videokünstlerin
Dozentin DKV
Stéphanie Marie Couson, Künstlerin, Fotografin, Dozentin DKV
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K135.2.22H.01
Teleprovisation - Interdisiplinary Improvisation
Benjamin Burger, Designer,Theatre Director
Lucas Niggli Drummer and Lecturer in Improvisation,
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-L015.2.22H.001
Typografie & Layout
Friedrich-Wilhelm Graf, lehrt im BA Art Education und in den Z-Modulen
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K150.1.22H.001
Vektorbasiertes Zeichnen mit Adobe Illustrator
Guido Köhler, Dozent Scientific Visualization/ DDE
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K151.1.22H.001
Video als Medium der künstlerischen Erkundung
Istvàn Balogh, Fotograf und Künstler, Dozent DKV
Gast: VideokünstlerIn
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K141.1.22H.001
Visualisieren im 3D Raum
Jonas Christen, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Fachrichtung Knowledge Visualization
David Schürch, lehrt in der Fachrichtung Knowledge Visualization
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K153.2.22H.001
Wann, wenn nicht jetzt?
Sophia Yiallouros, Dozentin Schauspiel DDK, Schauspielerin
Erwin Glatter, Msc., Achtsamkeitsforscher, systemischer Coach und ehem. buddhistischer Mönch
Irmela Beyer, Dozentin i. R. Stimme, Sprechen DDK, autorisierte Linklater Lehrerin, Feldenkraislehre
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K104.2.22H.001
Samuel Weidmann
Lehrbeauftragter Digital Publishing, Webdesign & Animation
Visual Communication, Bachelor of Arts in Design
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K157.1.22H.001
Wie verstehe ich ein Gemälde?
Dr. Ulrike Meyer Stump, Kunsthistorikerin, Museologin, Dozentin DDE > BA Design - Scientific Visualization > Fachrichtung Knowledge Visualization
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K109.1.22H.001
Zeichnen als Arbeits- und Reflexionsinstrument
Marisa Sbarbati,
Dozentin Departement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
Christina Horisberger,
Kunsthistorikerin, Dozentin für Designtheorie, Journalistin, Departement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K116.1.22H.001
Teleprovisation - Interdisiplinary Improvisation
Im Rahmen der „Shared Campus Summer Schools 2022“
Nummer und Typ | ZMO-ZMO-L015.2.22H.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Teleprovisation. Let’s do it! |
Veranstalter | Z-Module |
Leitung | Benjamin Burger, Designer,Theatre Director Lucas Niggli Drummer and Lecturer in Improvisation, |
Zeit | Mo 22. August 2022 bis Mi 31. August 2022 |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 8 - 12 |
ECTS | 4 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Proficient in English |
Lehrform | Seminar / Workshop |
Zielgruppen | Level: BA, MA, MPhil, PhD Disciplines: all arts and design disciplines |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Improvisation: Students will develop artistic themes and strategies to interact with co-networked artists across an array of art-forms in real-time. Artistic expression: Develop confidence and build a personal vocabulary of artistic expression with individual technological tools / instruments ⁄ media ⁄ materials. Telematics: Gain experience in working in telematic settings, technically and ⁄ or artistically. Transcultural collaborative performance: Hands-on practical work in mixed locations and groups with a focus on experimentation,developing audiovisual works or sketches and the transformation of artistic ideas. Team-based interdisciplinary experimentation: Learn and apply strategies for delivering interdisciplinary artistic projects through improvisation and experimentation in a collaborative setting. |
Inhalte | TELEPROVISATION Summer School is a 10-day course where students will learn about the methods, strategies, and aesthetics of telematic, simultaneous performances. Three remote stages (located in Zurich, Singapore and Trondheim) will be interconnected, enabling students to explore how their bodies and immediate spaces manifest in a telematic environment. While this course is intended to be interdisciplinary – by bringing together faculty and students from music, dance, theatre, design, and visual arts – it also focuses on the practice of improvisation. Students based at the three locations will connect online for three hours every day to take part in short workshops and lectures on telematic performances, as well as the possibilities of improvisation as a powerful tool of creation. After a few days, groups consisting of students from every location will be formed. Each group will then create a dramaturgy and ⁄ or score for a final performance. Offline workshops and activities will be scheduled by each hosting institution before or after the online sessions. Students from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, but applicants must show willingness to work in transcultural groups with new tools, and interdisciplinary concepts. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | 80% Anwesenheit |
Termine | 22 – 31 August 2022 // HS2022 |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | No course fee for students from Shared Campus partner institutions. |