Ästhetische Kulturen – Seminar 1: Future Matters. On Non-Linear Temporality and Response-Ability across Time. 

Angebot für

Nummer und Typmae-mtr-102.22F.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulÄsthetische Kulturen 
VeranstalterDepartement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
LeitungInes Kleesattel, Dominique Raemy
Di 22. Februar 2022 bis Di 17. Mai 2022 / 17:45–20:45 Uhr
OrtZT 4.T37 Seminarraum (30P TL)
Anzahl Teilnehmende6 - 21
ECTS2 Credits
VoraussetzungenWillingness to read longer texts in preparation for the seminar is assumed. Since some of the relevant text are not available in German, these texts must be read in English. The discussion, however, can also be bilingual, German and English (depending on the needs of the group).
ZielgruppenStudierende MA Art Education und MA Transdisziplinarität
Geöffnete Lehrveranstaltung für Studierende aller Fachrichtungen
Einschreibung über ClickEnroll https://intern.zhdk.ch/?ClickEnroll
Inhalte«We inherit the future, not just the past», states Karen Barad, the philosopher who thinks about spacetime with quantum physics. And every inheritance, Barad adds quoting Derrida, comes with »a call to responsibility«.

But how do we become response-able (or capable to respond) across time and between times?

In this seminar we will discuss various concepts of time and imaginations of future(s), focusing on their political-ethical implications – and the response-abilities they do or do not open up. And we will enquire: What shape do non-linear, discontinous and response-able temporalities take in narrative, artistic, and poetic works?

Whether one fears the world coming to an end or whether one hopes for improvement, the future is assumed to be something that lies ahead, is changeable, and differs from the past and present. However, this conception of the future – and the notion of chronological progressive time that goes with it – has not always existed. Rather, it is an idea the European Enlightenment brought forth. And as a theoretical idea, it could also be thought otherwise.
Time could just as well be – and has been – imagined as cyclical, and the future as entangled with present and past. Or one could think of plural parallel times, running in different directions with different rhythms. Or even a time that might not run at all? What if we think of time less in terms of achieving but more in terms of caring? And isn’t time travel just as much a matter of locality as of temporality? What is future’s space and how can ecological responsibility be figured in it in a non-linear way?

We will review key conceptions of linear time (Newton, Kant, Hegel), discuss discontinuous and relational forms of time (Benjamin, Glissant, Barad), queer temporalities (Freeman, Muñoz, Browne) and decolonial chrono-politics (Eshun, Demos). And we will put these theoretical thoughts into conversation with feminist science fiction (Ursula Le Guin, Marge Piercy, Joanna Russ) and Afrofuturism (George Clinton, Black Audio Film Collective, Black Quantum Futurism).
Bibliographie / LiteraturA bibliography will be provided at the beginning of the semester. Willingness to read longer texts in preparation for the seminar is assumed.
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung80% Anwesenheit, aktive Teilnahme, vorbereitende Textlektüre
TermineDienstagabend 22.2. / 8.3. / 22.3. / 5.4. / 19.4. / 3.5. / 17.5 jeweils 17:45 bis 20:45 h
Dauer7 Abendveranstaltungen, 14-täglich
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Bemerkung«Ästhetische Kulturen» setzt sich im FS 2022 aus 3 modularen Lehrveranstaltungen zusammen, die auch unabhängig von einander besucht werden können. Sie finden jeweils dienstagabends (Seminar 1: "Future Matters. On Non-Linear Temporality and Response-Ability across Time" und Seminar 2: "Der Begriff der Emanzipation und seine Verhandlung im heutigen Kontext von Utopien, Fake News und Verschwörungstheorien"), sowie an 5 Samstagen während des Semesters (Forschungskolloquium) statt.

The seminar will be held in English.

Ab dem Studienjahr 2021-2022 gilt für MAE-Studierende, dass sie Veranstaltungen, die im Vorlesungsverzeichnis unter Basisprogramm ausgeschrieben sind, in einem Umfang von zehn ECTS besuchen müssen. Die restlichen zehn ECTS können auch in anderen Veranstaltungen (z.B. in geöffneten Lehrveranstaltungen, im Shared Campus, in aussercurriculären Projekten, Labs oder in Form von persönlichen Projekten) absolviert werden. Adressat:innen für zugehörige Verständigungen sind Ruedi Widmer als Basisprogramm-Verantwortlicher oder die Vertiefungsleiter:innen.
Termine (7)