Pool 13: What about... Documenta? (Excursion) 

Nummer und TypMFA-MFA-Po00.22F.013 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungChristian Hübler, Yvonne Wilhelm
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 8
ECTS3 Credits
VoraussetzungenCourse language: English
LehrformExcursion to Kassel (Germany)
Zielgruppen* MA Fine Arts students only
* Not for 2022 graduating students
* Not open for exchange students
Lernziele / Kompetenzen
  • Navigating and processing a major international art event.
  • Investigating the curatorial and artistic approaches of documenta fifteen and relating them to one's own questions.
  • Reflecting strategies of collectivity, participation and sharing in the context of the history of collective and participatory art forms.
InhalteRealisation subject to reservation due to COVID19

"documenta fifteen – lumbung, koperasi, gotong royong"
The excursion wants to approach and compost main practices of the Jakarta-based artists’ collective ruangrupa (art space, spatial form). The collective has built the curatorial foundation of "documenta fifteen" on the core values and ideas of lumbung – an Indonesian term for a communal rice barn. lumbung as an artistic and economic model is rooted in principles of collectivity, communal resource sharing, and equal allocation, and is embodied in all parts of the exhibition. ruangrupa invites community-oriented collectives, art organizations, and institutions from around the world to practice lumbung with each other and work on new models of sustainability and collective practices of sharing.We will to discuss and explore ruangrupas practices and their unlearning of capital- and productivity-driven working methods within the mini majelis - group formations of the invited artists and artist organisations. Collaboration to document the imagining, tinkering, experimenting and executing models of koperasi (cooperative), a model of economy based on democratic principles of rapat (assembly), mufakat (agreement), gotong royong (commons), hak mengadakan protes bersama (right to stage collective protest) and hak menyingkirkan diri dari kekuasaan absolut (right to abolish absolute power) are further elements of the curatorial concept.

The excursion will include visits if the different exhibition venues of "documenta fifteen", lectures of 100 days of documenta, participation in workshops (the Friedericianum will function partly as a school), meetings with curators and artists, group discussions and readings, hangouts and leisure.

To take part in this excursion you need to apply with a short letter of motivation (max. 1 A4 page). The deadline is Monday, 10 January. Applicants will be informed if they are selected for the excursion until 20 January.

Please send your application to yvonne.wilhelm@zhdk.ch and christian.huebler@zhdk.ch

About the lecturers:

Christian Hübler / knowbotiq has been experimenting with forms and medialities of knowledge, political representations and epistemic disobedience. In recent projects knowbotiq is investigating and enacting inhuman geographies with the focus on algorithmic governmentalities, libidinous and affective economies and postcolonial violence.

Yvonne Wilhelm is an artist (part of the artist duo knowbotiq) and professor, teaching at the ZHdK MFA, who has been experimenting with forms and medialities of social imaginaries, visual regimes, and epistemic disobedience, with a certain focus on queer-feminist and post-/decolonial aspects. Her practical focus is on post-digital time-based formats, installative-performative settings, and research-led art.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungMandatory attendance (minimum 80%); active participation
CW 26: 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 June, 01 July
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungInformation on the organisation of excursions will be announced by the lecturers at the beginning of the semester. Please note: For study trips abroad, generally only the overnight stay will be organized and financed by the degree programme. If the overnight costs are much higher than the travel costs, students must contribute to the costs for the overnight stay.
Termine (5)