Angeli Sachs, Soenke Gau, Thomas Sieber
2 Creditsmae-vcs-302.22F.001

Kurt Widorski
3 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2102.22F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-15-2.22F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-16.22F.001

Lars Mlekusch
2 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1200.22F.005

Martina Schucan
2 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1200.22F.002

Gary Berger
2 CreditsMKT-VKO-SEAK-KE08-2.22F.001

Elisa Frauenfelder
2 Creditsmae-vkp-109.22F.001

Jasmine Colombo, Lysanne Stroomer, (studientische Verantwortung) Jules Sturm (Begleitung)
2 Creditsmae-vkp-202.22F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-PJAPO-MOMA-08-3.22F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-PJAPO-MOMA-08-2.22F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2006.22F.001

Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.22F.025_(MTH/BTH)

Björn Franke
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PB-1001.22F.001

Björn Franke
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PB-3000.22F.001

Isabel Gehweiler
0.5 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8005.22F.001

Sophie Vögele, Massmünster Michel, Laura Hew
1 Creditbae-bae-vt401-03.22F.001

Flurina Gradin,
Referate verschiedener Fachexpert*innen
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-HV-4000.22F.001

Prof. Dr. phil. Sophia Prinz
und Expert*innen
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-HV-2000.22F.001

Sylvia Sobottka (SySo)
3 CreditsBTH-VDR-L-3011.22F.001

Domenico Ferrari
2 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6002.22F.002

Dr. Ulrike Meyer Stump
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-4024.22F.001

Andrea Zimmermann
2 Creditsbae-bae-vt210-01.22F.001

Dennis Bäsecke-Beltrametti
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8008.22F.008

André Desponds
1 CreditDMU-WKMP-4206.22F.001

Anne-Sophie Wegmann (Vertretung Andreas Nick)
2.5 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-03-2.22F.001

Burkhard Kinzler
1 CreditDMU-WKMA-2412.22F.001

Dr. Paola De Martin
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-2019.22F.001

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kiefer
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-04.22F.003

Elisabeth Angst FD Horn
Martin Sonderegger FD Klarinette
Fränzi Frick FD Violine
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-SKLA-PK08.22F.001

Jonas Labhart
1 CreditDMU-WKMA-2116.22F.001

Burkhard Kinzler
1 CreditBMU-VTO-MOMP-06-2.22F.001

Erik Altorfer (EA), Fabian Jaggi (FJ), Klara Mand (KM)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.22F.016_VRE

Angelika Eva Moths
(Vertetung Anne-Sophie Wegmann)
3 CreditsMKT-VTH-KE06.22F.001

Cyril Kennel
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-4021.22F.001

Sigrid Adorf
2 Creditsmae-vkp-206.22F.001

Julia Wolf
2 Creditsmae-vkp-206.22F.002

Winiger Sandra, Thomas Schärer
1 Creditbae-bae-dt620-12.22F.001

Andrea Zimmermann
2 Creditsbae-bae-vt630-01.22F.001

Delphine Chapuis Schmitz und Dominic Oppliger
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.22F.001

Patrick Müller und Nicole Frei
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.22F.002

Patrick Müller und Antoine Chessex
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.22F.003

Patrick Müller und Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.22F.005

Basil Rogger, Caroline Baur, Njomza Dragusha und Nicole Frei
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.22F.006

Ani Ekin Özdemir
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.22F.007

Thomas Peter
1.5 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6101.22F.001

Lukasz Polowczyk (extern)
0.5 CreditsDMU-WKMP-4502.22F.001

Leitung: Sabine Gisiger
Dozierende: Christian Iseli, Sabine Gisiger und Gäste
1 CreditMFI-VDF2-4p.BFI.22F.001

Christian Iseli, Stella Speziali and team members of the Immersive Arts Space
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-MEp-01.22F.006

Martina Bovet
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.22F.001

Andreas Zihler
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.22F.002

Sebastian Piekarek
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.22F.003

M. Bader, S. Soydan, D. Thorner
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOKF-09.22F.001

Jörn Peter Hiekel
2 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8004.22F.002

Charlotte Jane Prodger
3 CreditsMFA-MFA-Po00.22F.011

Laura Hew, Michel Massmünster, Sophie Vögele
2 Creditsmae-mae-207.22F.001

Soenke Gau, Basil Rogger
2 Creditsmae-mtr-100.22F.001

Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Baur Caroline, Irene Vögeli,
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.22F.001

Nicole Frei, Roger Fähndrich, Tanja Schwarz
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.22F.002

Eirini Sourgiadaki und Luis Berrios-Negron
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.22F.003

Patrick Müller, Irene Vögeli
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.22F.004

Ulrich Görlich, Jana Thierfelder, Irene Vögeli
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1009C.22F.005

Patrick Müller, Basil Rogger und Hannah Walter
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.22F.002

Katja Gläss, Caroline Baur und Basil Rogger
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.22F.003

Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Patrick Müller, Jana Thierfelder
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.22F.004

Irene Vögeli und Nicole Frei
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.22F.006

Golschan Ahmad Haschemi (GHa)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-0019.22F.010_(MTH/BTH)_WF

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kiefer (JK)
3 CreditsBTH-VDR-L-388.22F.001

Flurina Gradin
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-4012.01.22F.001

Andreas Bürgisser (ABü)
4 CreditsBTH-VTP-L-5130.22F.001

Bernhard Lehner
Gast: Christian Iseli
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.22F.001

Peter Purtschert
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.22F.005

Bernadette Kolonko
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.22F.002

Christian Iseli, Matthias Vollmer, Christina Zimmermann, Lars Elmer, Till Sieberth, Réjane Dreifuss, NN
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.22F.006

Benjamin Heisenberg
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.22F.004

Michael Schaerer, Stefan Jäger, Dozierende: Gäste
1 CreditDDK-MFI-BFI.22F.001

Leitung: Michael Schaerer, Stefan Jäger
Gastdozent: Christian Schwochow
1 CreditDDK-MFI-BFI-MC.22F.004

Angelika Eva Moths
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.22F.008

Philippe Kocher
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.22F.001

Anne-Sophie Wegmann (Vetr. Andreas Nick)
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.22F.004

Felix Profos
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.22F.006

Andreas Brenner
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.22F.010

Lars Heusser
3 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-05.22F.002

Felix Stalder, Nora Al-Badri & Adrian Notz (ETH Art and AI program)
3 CreditsBFA-BFA-Th.22F.009

Marcel Bleuler, Elke Bippus
3 CreditsBFA-BFA-Th.22F.007

Timothy Walter Kleinert
2 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6300.22F.001

Tobias Jundt
2 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2109.22F.002

Anne-Sophie Wegmann (Vertr. Martin Neukom)
2.5 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-01-4.22F.008

Anne-Sophie Wegmann (Vertr. André Fischer)
2.5 CreditsBMU-PKLA-MOMA-01-4.22F.002

Leitung: Stefan Jäger
Gäste: Julia von Heinz und Nora Fingscheidt
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-VPp-01.MFI-VDB2-4p.22F.005

Jörn Peter Hiekel
1 CreditDMU-WKAN-1208.22F.001

Maike Thies (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, BA Game Design)
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-X-1234.22F.001

Dr. Paola de Martin
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-2016.22F.001

Dieter Ringli
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.22F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.22F.004

Lucas Bennett
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.22F.003
Pool 11: Art & Film: Queer Subjectivities as Content and Form (gLV) 

Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MFA-MFA-Po00.22F.011 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Pool: |
Veranstalter | Departement Fine Arts |
Leitung | Charlotte Jane Prodger |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 16 |
ECTS | 3 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Course language: English |
Lehrform | Seminar |
Zielgruppen | * MA Fine Arts students * Open for exchange students * Open for students from other departments Interested students of other study programmes can register from 01 to 20 February 2022 by email to: studium.dfa@zhdk.ch. You will be informed until the end of calendar week 8 about a possible participation. Applications before 01 February 2022 will not be accepted. |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen |
Inhalte | "Queer subjectivities as content and form." Charlotte Prodger works with moving image, printed image, sculpture and writing. She is interested in the intertextual relationships between each of these materials. Her work has used the legacies of structural film, minimalism and queer subjectivity to investigate tensions between language and material. Narrative fragments gleaned from different places and points of her life are shown in parallel, revealing an ongoing enquiry into the contingency and intimacy of materials. In recent years, she made the trilogy of films "Stoneymollan Trail" (2015), "BRIDGIT" (2016) and "SaF05" (2019). This autobiographical cycle traces the accumulation of affinities, desires and losses that form a self as it moves forward in time. Moving image has been at the core of Prodger’s work for two decades. Its ever-evolving formats are inextricably bound to her autobiographical content. Her work explores intertwined relationships between the body, landscape, language, technology and time. The week will include:
About the lecturer: Charlotte Prodger (b.1974) is a Glasgow-based artist. She was the winner of the 2018 Turner Prize and represented Scotland at the 2019 Venice Biennale. Solo exhibitions include "Blanks and Preforms", Kunstmuseum Winterthur; "SaF05", Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2021); Scottish Pavilion, Venice Biennale (2019); "Colon Hyphen Asterix", Hollybush Gardens (2018); "BRIDGIT/Stoneymollan Trail", Bergen Kunsthall; "Subtotal", SculptureCenter, New York (2017); "BRIDGIT", Hollybush Gardens, London; "Charlotte Prodger", Kunstverein Düsseldorf (2016); "8004-8019", Spike Island, Bristol; "Stoneymollan Trail", Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin (2015); "Markets" (with The Block), Chelsea Space, London; "Nephatiti", Glasgow International (2014); "Percussion Biface 1-13", Studio Voltaire, London (2012) and "Handclap/Punchhole", Kendall Koppe, Glasgow (2011). Performances include "Orange Helvetica Title Sequence", New York Book Art Fair, MoMA PS1 (with Bookworks); "Fwd: Rock Splits Boys", Artists Space, New York and Café Oto, London (with Mason Leaver-Yap); "Assembly: A Survey of Recent Artists’ Film and Video in Britain", Tate Britain, London (2014) and "Querido John", Kings Place, London (with Electra and The Wire, 2012). Prodger’s videos have screened at various film festivals including London Film Festival; New York Film Festival; Toronto International Film Festival and Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen. Her writing has been published in Frieze; F.R. DAVID; 2HB; The Happy Hypocrite; Charlie Porter’s "What Artists Wear" and Prototype’s Intertitles: "An Anthology at the Intersection of Visual Art and Writing". |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Will be handed out before or during the course. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Mandatory attendance (minimum 80%); active participation |
Termine | Time: 10:00 - 18:00 o'clock CW 22: 30 / 31 May / 01 / 02 / 03 June |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |