All inclusive! Rereading Drama - TRAINING
Sylvia Sobottka (SySo)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.21H.004_(MTH/BTH)
Choreographische Anfänge - TRAINING
Johannes Voges (JoVo)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.21H.020_(MTH/BTH)
Critical Thinking - Intersektionalität (ehem. Texte refl. 2_Kolloq. Fortgeschr.) - TRAINING
Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.21H.025_(MTH/BTH)
Critical Thinking Basic (ehem. Texte refl. 1) - TRAINING
Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-008.21H.003_(MTH/BTH)
Die Darstellung der eigenen Künstlerperson in den Medien - TRAINING
Ferhat Türkoglu (FT)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-008.21H.020_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Unsichere Räume - Theater und Digitalität_VTP - TRAINING
Sarah Buser (SB)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.21H.002_(MTH/BTH)
Exkursion: Ruhrtriennale Campus 2021
Dr. phil. Stefanie Lorey, Prof. Michael Simon
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-02.21H.001
Family matters - TRAINING
Sabine Harbeke (SH), Réjane Dreifuss (RD)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.21H.005_(MTH/BTH)
Gekommen um zu bleiben: Dialogformate zwischen Publikum und Aufführung
Andreas Bürgisser (ABü), Ursula Jenni (UJ)
3 CreditsFTH-BTH-BTH-L-0023.21H.003_WF_(MTH/BTH)
Hacking the Discourse
Claudio Bucher, Christoph Keller, Prof. Dr. Jochen Kiefer
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-04.21H.002
Institutionen überschreiben: DIE SCHWEIZER GENERALINTENDANZ (gLV)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Kiefer & Gäste
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-04.21H.003
KASA-Training B_für Fortgeschrittene - TRAINING
Matthias Walter (MaWa)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-608.21H.002_(MTH/BTH)
Licht als kompositorisches und choreographisches Element auf der Bühne (gLV)
Carina Premer
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-04.21H.001
Meditation und Präsenz - TRAINING
Christopher Kriese (CKri), Katharina Cromme (KC)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-406.21H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Peter Meier (PM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.21H.016_(MTH/BTH)
Shakespeare on screen - TRAINING - (gLV)
Prof. Anton Rey (AR), Miriam Loertscher (ML), NN
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-008.21H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Sprechtraining "Resonanz"_Fortgeschrittene - TRAINING
Oliver Mannel (OM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-616.21H.012_(MTH/BTH)
STAGE DIVING-MA / Einführung in die künstlerischen und technischen Arbeitsmittel des Bühnenraumes.
Leitung: Manuel Fabritz
Co-Leitung: Arnd Frank, Carlo Raselli, Michel Weber
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WM-02.21H.002
Szenische Bausteine_VTP - TRAINING
Monika Gysel (MoGy), Markus Gerber (MGer)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VTP-L-50900.21H.001_(MTH/BTH)
TALKING SPACES-Bühnenbildbesprechung - TRAINING
Klara Mand (KM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.21H.011_(MTH/BTH)
Theater in allen Räumen (TiaR)_01/2022 - Konzeption
Matthias Fankhauser (MaFa)
2 CreditsFTH-BTH-BTH-L-000.21H.001_WF_(MTH/BTH)
theater politisch leben II_VRE
Sabine Harbeke (SH) und Gäste
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.21H.026_(MTH/BTH)
Träume erzählen - erzählende Träume - TRAINING
Oliver Mannel (OM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-616.21H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Vom Monströsen (Schreibwerkstatt performative Texte) (gLV)
Katja Brunner, Philippe Heule
3 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-03.21H.003
Workshop 2.1: Working on Sirens Songs. Stimme und Text als Klangmaterial
Anne Süster Andresen
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-02.21H.008
Workshop 2.2: Storytelling through Puppetry & Sound
Anna Paniccia, Danny Exnar
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-02.21H.009
Zeitung lesen mit Gästen - TRAINING
Sabine Harbeke (SH), Gäste
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-4000.21H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Workshop 1.2: Authorship - the playing body as author
Praxisfeld SC: Workshop 1
Praxisfeld BN, DR, RE, TP: Wahl
Praxisfeld BN, DR, RE, TP: Wahl
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MTH-MTH-PM-02.21H.006 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Praxisfeld 02 ECTS |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Leon Ospald |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 4 - 10 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Zulassung Master Theater |
Zielgruppen | SC, geöffnet für alle MA Theater |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | In this seminar we will explore the question of what it means and can mean to generate / produce texts as a player. More and more directors are asking their ensembles to be involved in the rehearsal process as text producers. How can the rehearsal, the play, the improvisation be used to write texts independently? What characterises the authorship of a player? The seminar is intended to open up access to independent writing for the participants. The question arises whether and to what extent the players' private experiences should and can be expressed. What form can be worked out to emerge as a private person behind the role without presenting a purely private text? And which transformations and overformations are necessary for this. |
Inhalte |
Bibliographie / Literatur | nach Ansage |
Termine | KW40 - KW41 (04.-15.10.2021) |
Dauer | Mo-Fr (ausser Di) / 14.00h - 18.00h |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Deutsch und Englisch |
Bemerkung | Leon Ospald, born 1989, trained at the Hamburg School of Acting, engagements as an actor at the Hamburg Kammerspiele, assistant director at the Schauspielhaus Hamburg and at the HfMT Hamburg. Studied at the Academy of Performing Arts Ludwigsburg. Graduated from the UdK Berlin in scenic writing. Since 2017 author at Henschel - Schauspiel. |