Leitung: Anna Gromanova
Dozent: Jos Houben
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.016

Leitung: Demis Quadri, Nancy Fürst
Dozierende: Gäste
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.017

Responsable: Robert Cantarella
Enseignant: Bruno Meyssat
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.019

Responsable: Robert Cantarella
Enseignant: Noëlle Renaude
1 CreditMTH-MTH-WPM-01.21H.005

Responsable: Robert Cantarella
Enseignant: Nicolas Berseth et autres
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.018

Responsable: Robert Cantarella
Enseignant: Loïc Touzé
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.020

Responsable: Robert Cantarella
Enseignant: Philippe Gladieux
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.022

Responsable: Robert Cantarella
Enseignant: Barbara Giongo
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.021

Leitung: Wolfram Heberle
Dozentin: Idil Nuna Baydar
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.005

Leitung: Wolfram Heberle
Dozent: Rainer Ammann
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.008

Leitung: Wolfram Heberle
Dozent: Matthias Lilienthal
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.006

Leitung: Wolfram Heberle
Dozentin: Ursula Degen
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.007

Leitung: Sebastian Dobrusskin, Priska Gisler, Arne Scheuermann, Martin Skamletz
1 CreditMTH-MTH-WPM-01.21H.003

Leitung: Simone von Büren (Dozentin SLI HKB), Marc Kilchenmann (Dozent Musik HKB)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.015

Koordination: Claudia Kühne (Synapse HKB)
Leitung: Yvonne Schmidt (Leitung Forschungsfeld Kunstvermittlung HKB), Jacqueline Baum (Dozentin VKD HKB)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.012

Leitung: Mathieu Corajod (Musiktheater HKB) und Gäste
Beteiligte Dozierende: Xavier Dayer (Komponist und SUISA-Präsident), Julia Pelta Feldman (Kunsthistorikerin, Performance), Heike Fiedler (Literatur, Performance), Marina Haiduk (Kunsthistorikerin)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.010

Leitung: Barbara Balba Weber (Musikvermittlerin HKB), Florian Reichert (Fachbereichsleiter Theater HKB)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.014

Koordination und Leitung: Hanna B. Hölling (Dozentin Konservierung und Restaurierung HKB) und Johannes M. Hedinger (Künstler, Kurator, Zürich)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.013

Leitung: Minou Afzali (Forschungsdozentin HKB), Regina Dürig (Dozentin Literarisches Schreiben HKB) mit Gästen
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.011

Leitung: Wolfram Heberle
Alexander Giesche und Regula Schröter
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-04.21H.001

Leitung: Fabiana Senkpiel (wiss. Mitarbeiterin Institut Praktiken und Theorien der Künste)
1 CreditMTH-MTH-WPM-01.21H.004

Leitung: Florian Reichert, Sibylle Heim und Mentorierende (nach Absprache)
5 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-05.21H.001

Leitung: Wolfram Heberle
Dozentin: Lola Arias
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-04.21H.002

Leitung: Wolfram Heberle
Dozierende: Lukas Bangerter und Regine Fritschi
10 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-10.21H.001

Leitung: Wolfram Heberle
Dozent: Ralf Samens
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.009

Leitung: Wolfram Heberle
Organisation: Sibylle Heim, Fabiana Senkpiel, Mira Kandathil
1 CreditMTH-MTH-WPM-01.21H.002
ATD / Laughter and Its Declination 

Campus Wahlmodul / Master Class / Kursangebot der Partnerschule (ATD)
Wird auch angeboten für
Bisheriges Studienmodell
Master Theater
ATD, Accademia Teatro Dimitri Verscio

Nummer und Typ | MTH-MTH-WPM-02.21H.016 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Master-Campus-Theater-CH 02 ECTS |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Leitung: Anna Gromanova Dozent: Jos Houben |
Ort | ATD, Verscio |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 5 - 16 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Zielgruppen | Alle |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Like a succession of master classes, this course will offer a light and playful journey through the great territory of laughter, by “visiting” its different facets, which live a life of their own but so often entwine with and interpenetrate each other. |
Inhalte | First, the participants will encounter what one might call the smallest mask in the world: the red nose. In search of this clownish state, this game of self-derision will place the public in a state of superiority, allowing us to laugh at our common humanity. Then we approach the world of the Burlesque, the Gag, where laughter is caused by imbalance and falling, by accident and shifting, in short, by error, and where the secret of great art is to succeed at making us forget technique and virtuosity for the benefit of the game. Then we enter into the paradoxical logic of the Absurd, which carries the viewers away and places them in front of the same questions and doubts as the characters. In the Absurd, the whole world stumbles, causing laughter, of course, but also dizziness. And finally, absolutely in tune with the world, we will delve with a joyful step into Nonsense and Dark Humour. |
Termine | 29.11.-03.12.2021 |
Dauer | Ganztags |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Englisch |