DIG Theorie 1.2 VIAD Inter-Action Design 

Inter-Action Design is an introduction into the interaction design, its history, concepts and future perspectives, from user-centred to life-centred design.
Nummer und TypBDE-BDE-T-VS-1002.21H.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulTheorie 1. Semester VIAD 
VeranstalterDepartement Design
LeitungVerena Ziegler
ZeitMo 27. September 2021 bis Mo 13. Dezember 2021 / 10:30–12:30 Uhr
ECTS2 Credits
LehrformTheory in Context (field exercises / excursions)
Online-Lectures via Zoom
ZielgruppenVertiefungsspezifisches Modul VIAD, 1. Semester
Lernziele / KompetenzenWe would start our journey in Interaction Design in a manner of Alchemic wondering about the world, to stimulate first thoughts on the role of design, human and technology. How will we might become a designer and what do we face in the university as well as the outside world? Therefore, we will investigate in designing within room and space - discussing about our local surroundings and global interdependencies. We will dive through different episodes of becoming an Interaction Designer – adequate to the stages of becoming an Alchemist – with all the expectations, experiences we learn, and reflections and actions on it. This seminar should give a fundamental base for the upcoming semesters interweaving theory and practice into discourse.
Inhaltewhat is analog? what is digital? what is digitalisation? what is an interface? what is an affordance? what is inter-action? what is ecological thinking? what is life-centred design?

Students will learn about the interaction design history, concepts and future perspectives. We will discuss a specific IAD approach grounded on the idea of Inter-Action and new thematic areas: Complexity, Diversity and Otherness.
Bibliographie / LiteraturB. Moggridge (ed.), ”Designing Interactions”, MIT Press, 2007.

K. Franinović,”Inter-Action/Inter-Acting” in Handbuch Künstlerische Forschung, Ed. J. Badura, A. Haarmann and S. Dubach. Diaphanes, 2015.

Weitere Literatur ist im Wiki der Fachrichtung Interaction Design unter https://iadzhdk.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SEC/overview abrufbar.
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungAktive und regelmäßige Teilnahme (min. 80% Anwesenheit), Lesen und Vorbereiten der wöchentlichen Seminarliteratur, Seminararbeit/Essay.
TermineDas Seminar findet jeweils montags vom 27. September bis 13. Dezember 2021 statt.
BewertungsformNoten von A - F
Termine (12)