Martin Zimper; William Crook (Animation); Gäste: Severin Klingler (ETH Media Technology Center)
Assistenz: Caroline Feder, Nina Rothenberger
4 CreditsBDE-VCA-V-I-5555.21H.001

Chris Elvis Leisi
4 CreditsBDE-VGD-V-I-5555.21H.001

Dr. phil. Björn Franke
4 CreditsBDE-VIAD-V-I-5555.06.21H.001

Sebastian Stroschein
4 CreditsBDE-VID-V-I-5555.14.21H.001

Meike Eckstein
Morganti-Pfaffhauser Rebecca
4 CreditsBDE-VSV-V-I-5555.21H.001

Barbara Liebster
4 CreditsBDE-VSD-V-I-5555-11.21H.001

Jonas Vögeli / Hauptleitung
Lea Michel / Assistenz
4 CreditsBDE-VVK-V-I-5555.21H.001
Vertiefungsmodul Interdisziplinär VCA - Media Innovation Lab with ETH Media Technology Center 

Designers and engineers work together on the future of media
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Nummer und Typ | BDE-VCA-V-I-5555.21H.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Vertiefungsmodul Interdisziplinär VCA |
Veranstalter | Departement Design |
Leitung | Martin Zimper; William Crook (Animation); Gäste: Severin Klingler (ETH Media Technology Center) Assistenz: Caroline Feder, Nina Rothenberger |
Zeit | Di 26. Oktober 2021 bis Fr 12. November 2021 / 8:30–17 Uhr |
Ort | ACHTUNG: nur am 11.11.21 im Raum 6.T47 Toni Areal (ZHAW), 6. Stock |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 8 - 18 |
ECTS | 4 Credits |
Lehrform | Seminar / Atelier |
Zielgruppen | Wahlpflichtmodul Bachelor Design, 5. Semester |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Interdisciplinary collaboration between designers from different disciplines with computer science specialists Simulation of the work of a lab artist or a lab designer Interaction and communication with ICT specialists Audience- and application-oriented approach to media innovation Idea generation and creation based on one's own personality as a designer Learning an interdisciplinary discussion and feedback culture |
Inhalte | ETH's Media Technology Center is a place where researchers and industry partners work together on projects to shape the future of media technology. The center provides a platform to work on technological innovations at the intersection of media technology, digital journalism, and design. The idea of the module is that students from all design fields create media content and media formats based on inventions and developments of the MTC. There are no limits to idea generation and creativity. Courage to push boundaries and experiment is explicitly encouraged, based on the basic design skills and artistic ideas of the participating students. Projects of MTC are, for example: City-wide Augmented Reality: Development of stories, experiences, and graphics that MTC could incorporate into their prototypes. We think of something like time travel to old Zurich or crime thriller in the streets of Niederdörfli. Swiss Voice Assistant: Content for MTC's voice assistant, what are stories you could tell using a voice assistant? Perhaps like Bandersnatch on Netflix but in Swiss German and only with speech? What interactions can be implemented only with different dialects? Video synthesis project: which new media formats can be enabled by automatically generating audio and video? TX Group, Ringier, SRG/SRF, the NZZ Media Group, and ETH Foundation support MTC. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | 80% Anwesenheit; Kreation und Produktion von prototypischem Content für Software-Entwicklungen des Media Technology Center |
Termine | 26. Oktober - 12. November 2021 (ohne Montage) |
Dauer | 3 Wochen |
Bewertungsform | Noten von A - F |