DIG Theory: Art Theories: Art & AI (gLV) 

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Nummer und TypBFA-BFA-Th.21F.013 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Fine Arts
LeitungFelix Stalder
Anzahl Teilnehmendemaximal 5
ECTS3 Credits
VoraussetzungenCourse language: English
ZielgruppenBA Fine Arts students

Open for exchange-students

Interested BA students of other study programmes can register from 3rd to 21st February 2021 by ClickEnroll.

Interested MA students write an email between 03.02. - 21.02.2021 to: studium.dfa@zhdk.ch
We will inform you by e-mail in week 8 whether participation is possible.
Lernziele / Kompetenzen
  • To gain a basic technical understanding of image recognition
  • To evaluate critically contemporary dynamics in and theoretical approaches to this field
  • To engage with leading artistic positions and strategies in this field
  • To reflect one’s own work in the context of these approaches and positions
InhalteArtificial intelligence (AI) is all around us, transforming the way we see the world and the world sees us. Sometimes, we barely notice it, sometimes the results of AI can be very impressive, though sometimes so impressively bad that Hito Steyrl and others started to talk about “Artificial Stupidity”. But almost always the actual procedures of AI remain mysterious, locked away in a black box. In this module, we will look at a recent wave of artistic and theoretical work that tries to open this black box, creating a language and an aesthetics for critical engagement. In particular, we will look at image-recognition AI, what the artist Trevor Paglen calls “predatory vision” and the data scientist Joy Buolamwini calls the “coded gaze”, referring to gender and racial biases in these systems. We will also use some web-based image-recognition systems to get a first-hand impression of the capacities of these technologies as tools for artistic investigation.

Felix Stalder (*1968) is a professor in the BA Fine Arts. His work focuses on the intersections of cultural, political and technological dynamics, in particular on new modes of common-based production, control society, copyright and transformation of subjectivity. He not only works as an academic, but also as a cultural producer, being a moderator of the mailing list <nettime> and a member of the World Information Institute as well as the Technopolitics Working Group (both in Vienna). Among his recent publications are “Digital Solidarity” (PML & Mute 2014) and “The Digital Condition” (Polity Press, 2018). https://fs.zhdk.ch felix.openflows.com
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungMandatory attendance (minimum 80%); active participation
TermineTime: 09:15 - 17:00 o'clock

CW 09: 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 March
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
Termine (5)