HYB / Telematic Theater Practice (gLV) 

Praxisfeld RE: szenisches Projekt
Praxisfeld DR: Dramaturgien der Digitalität
Praxisfeld SC, BN, TP: Wahlmmodul

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Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-PM-04.21F.003 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPraxisfeld 04 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungChristopher Kriese, Benjamin Burger
OrtAnalog: ZHdK (Zürich)
Digital: SP Theatre School (São Paulo), LASALLE College of the Arts (Singapur) and Theater Dortmund
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 12
ECTS4 Credits
VoraussetzungenMA Theater
ZielgruppenRE, SC, DR, BN, TP / Partnerschulen

Für Studierende aus anderen Studiengängen der ZHdK:
Anmeldung und Anfragen bezüglich Platzzahl an > Caroline Scherr / caroline.scherr@zhdk.ch
Bitte unbedingt Vorname, Nachname, Semester und Hauptstudiengang angeben.
Lernziele / KompetenzenIn this module, the stage and rehearsal spaces of three international universities (Zurich University of the Arts, SP Theatre School, São Paulo, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore) and additionally the Theater Dortmund are connected to each other with audiovisual streaming and playback technologies. During this time, the participating students and theater professionals will develop and investigate a joint rehearsal and performance practice across the four digially linked stage spaces. At the end of the module, they will develop a prototype of an analog-digital perfor-mance, which will be performed simultaneously at all four locations.
InhalteThe challenge will be to create and synchronize the performative processes in the rooms both audiovisually-technologically and artistically, and ultimately to present to the four audiences at the respective stages. Within the module the following re-search questions are addressed: (1) What organizational structure and work culture is needed for the cooperation across the four locations in order to (a) conduct mul-tidirectional theater rehearsals and (b) then bring them to a performance? (2) Which artistic contents and forms can be performed in such a setting? The module is a research-oriented teaching and learning experiment.
(12.-16.04.2021 und 19.-23.04.2021)
DauerTime will be announced later on
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungThe experience and expertise of various research and teaching projects is already being utilized, namely a transatlantic lesson between Zurich and São Paulo, which Christopher Kriese, Peter Ender and Rodolfo Garcia conducted in October 2019*, and the SNSF project "Telematic Network Performance Project**", in which Benjamin Burger is responsible for the development of a performative practice with particular reference to the performing and performative arts in telematic space.

* Video documentation: https://vimeo.com/414220730
** Video documentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbE9h2jn8nA

Benjamin Burger is research associate in the "Telematic Network Performance Project" and Fellow in the 3rd cycle of the Department of Performing Arts and Film (DDK) at ZHdK, he is also the artistic director of the group "Extraleben". Christopher Kriese is a research associate at the DDK, Theatre Directing, and part of the collective "Neue Dringlichkeit".

Christopher Kriese *1987 in Kassel, aufgewachsen in Brasilien und Deutschland, studierte Theaterregie an der "Zürcher Hochschule der Künste". Nach abgeschlossenem Master-Studium ist er dort nun als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Lehre im Bachelor Regie und in internationalen Projekten tätig. Er ist zudem Teil des Kollektivs "Neue Dringlichkeit", das in verschiedenen Formaten an der fliessenden Grenze zwischen Kunst und Aktivismus arbeitet.
Termine (10)