Kurt Widorski
3 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2102.21F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-15-2.21F.002

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-15-2.21F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-16.21F.001

Kurt Widorski
1.5 CreditsBMU-VKOT-MOKF-16.21F.002

Andreas Brenner
2 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1200.21F.005

Lars Mlekusch
2 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1200.21F.004

Martina Schucan
2 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1200.21F.002

Burkhard Kinzler
2 CreditsDMU-WKAN-1200.21F.001

Diverse Dozierende
2 CreditsMKT-VKO-SEAK-KE08-4.21F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-PJAPO-MOMA-08-3.21F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2006.21F.001

Isabel Gehweiler
0.5 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8005.21F.001

Dieter Ringli
2 CreditsDMU-WKMA-2004.21F.001

Flurina Gradin,
Referate verschiedener Fachexpert*innen
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-HV-4000.21F.001

Dr. Ulrike Meyer Stump
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-4024.21F.001

Prof. Dr. Nils Röller
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-AK-2020.21F.001

Dr. Paola De Martin
2 CreditsBDE-BDE-T-WP-2019.21F.001

Corina Zuberbühler,
Stefano Vannotti
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-HV-2000.21F.001

Laura von Niederhäusern
together with the members of the practice-based PhD group:
Viviana Gonzalez, Bernhard Herbordt & Melanie Mohren, Sasha Huber, Eirini Sourgiadaki
3 CreditsMFA-MFA-Po00.21F.004

Leitung: Stefan Bircher*
1 CreditBDE-VCA-V-4104-2.21F.001

Jörg Scheller
6 CreditsBFA-BFA-Th.21F.005

Maike Thies (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, BA Game Design)
1 CreditBDE-BDE-T-X-1234.21F.001

Dr. Azadeh Sharifi
3 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-03.21F.001

Prof. Michael Simon, Tania El Khoury, Rabih Mroué
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-04.21F.001

Mela Kocher
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PC-1001.21F.001

Björn Franke
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PB-1001.21F.001

Björn Franke
1 CreditMDE-MDE-WP-DM-PB-3000.21F.001

Leitung: Sabine Gisiger
Dozierende: Christian Iseli, Sabine Gisiger und Gäste
0.5 CreditsMFI-VDF2-4p.BFI.21F.001

Bernhard Lehner
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.21F.002

Peter Purtschert
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.21F.005

Christian Iseli, Marcus Maeder, Felix Stalder, Maike Thies, Hannah Walter
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.21F.006

Benjamin Heisenberg
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-THp-01.MFI.21F.004

Domenico Ferrari
2 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6002.21F.002

Andrea Zimmermann
2 Creditsbae-bae-vt210-01.21F.001

Dennis Bäsecke-Beltrametti
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8008.21F.008

Bruno Karrer
1 CreditDMU-WKAN-1207.21F.001

André Desponds / Christian Jelicic
1 CreditDMU-WKMP-4206.21F.001

Sylvia Sobottka (SySo)
3 CreditsBTH-VDR-L-3011.21F.001

Sabine Harbeke (SH), Erik Altorfer (EA)
3 CreditsBTH-BTH-L-0023.21F.016_VRE

Prof. Dr. Jochen Kiefer (JK)
3 CreditsBTH-VDR-L-388.21F.001

Christopher Kriese, Benjamin Burger
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-04.21F.003

Andreas Bürgisser (ABü)
4 CreditsBTH-VTP-L-5130.21F.001

Christian Iseli
and crew members of the Immersive Arts Space (www.immersive-arts.ch/info/
1 CreditBFI-FIPD-MEp-01.21F.006

Leitung: Sabine Gisiger, Dozenten: Christian Iseli, Maurizius Stärkle Drux, Manu Gerber und Gäste
Gäste u.a.: Midge Costin, Andreas Wagenknecht, Jerry Rothwell, Nainita Desai, Roman Hodler, Oscar von Hoogevest
1 CreditDDK-MFI-BFI-01.0.21F.003

Michael Schaerer und Christian Iseli mit Gästen
0.5 CreditsDDK-MFI-BFI.21F.001

Moritz Müllenbach Stv. von Natalia Ursina Sidler
2 CreditsMMP-VSMU-SSII-KK15-2.21F.001

Jonas Labhart
1 CreditDMU-WKMA-2116.21F.001

Angelika Eva Moths
3 CreditsMKT-VTH-KE06.21F.001

Sigrid Adorf
2 Creditsmae-vkp-206.21F.001

Conradin Wolf
2 Creditsmae-vkp-206.21F.002

Thomas Schärer, Christina Horisberger
1 Creditbae-bae-dt620-12.21F.001

Andrea Zimmermann
2 Creditsbae-bae-vt630-01.21F.001

Margaretha Jüngling, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.21F.002

Soenke Gau, Jana Thierfelder, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.21F.004

Irene Vögeli, Tina Omayemi Reden
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.21F.007

Patrick Müller, Mélia Roger, Cedric Maridet
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1040.21F.008

Thomas Peter
1.5 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6101.21F.001

Lucie Tuma
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-02.21F.008

Peter Färber
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8002.21F.001

Andreas Zihler
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.21F.002

Sebastian Piekarek
1.5 CreditsMMP-VIV-PK05.21F.003

M. Bader, S. Soydan, D. Thorner
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOKF-09.21F.001

M. Bader, S. Soydan, D. Thorner
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOKF-09.21F.002

Renate Lerch, Regula Brassel, Laura Zarotti und Gäste
1 Creditbae-bae-vt401-03.21F.001

Esther Mathis, Hannah Walter, Julia Weber, Michael Günzburger, Nadine Städler, Tanja Schwarz
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1019.21F.001

Katja Gläss, Emmanuel Michaud, Patrick Müller, Eirini Sourgiadaki
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1019.21F.002

Ulrich Görlich, Jana Thierfelder, Boris Previsic
1 CreditMTR-MTR-1019.21F.003

Patrick Müller, Katja Gläss, Hannah Walter
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.21F.001

Katja Gläss, Eva Mackensen, Irene Vögeli, Nina Willimann
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.21F.002

Antoine Chessex und Soenke Gau
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.21F.004

Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Patrick Müller, Jana Thierfelder, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.21F.005

Jules Sturm, Lauren Henderson, Irene Vögeli
2 CreditsMTR-MTR-1002.21F.006

Charlotte Hug
1 CreditDMU-WKFK-8008.21F.005

Leitung: Sabine Gisiger, Dozentinnen: Sylke René Meyer
0 CreditsDDK-MFI-BFI-SD-MC.0.21F.004

Christoph Merki
1.5 CreditsDMU-WKFK-8003.21F.002

Timothy Walter Kleinert
2 CreditsDMU-WKMT-6300.21F.001

Christoph Merki
2 CreditsBMU-VKLA-MOMA-03.21F.002
Projekttage 3: Thinking with plants in 2436 meters above the sea (gLV) 

Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MTR-MTR-1019.21F.003 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Blockwoche |
Veranstalter | Departement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung |
Leitung | Ulrich Görlich, Jana Thierfelder, Boris Previsic |
Zeit | So 27. Juni 2021 bis Fr 2. Juli 2021 |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | maximal 16 |
ECTS | 1 Credit |
Voraussetzungen | Studium MA Transdisziplinarität Für Studierende anderer Studiengänge der ZHdK, im Rahmen der Geöffneten Lehrveranstaltungen: Einschreibung über ClickEnroll https://intern.zhdk.ch/?clickenroll |
Lehrform | Project week, workshops, presentations, own project work |
Zielgruppen | Wahlpflicht für Master Trainsdisziplinarität. Geöffnete Lehrveranstaltung für alle Master-Studierenden der ZHdK. |
Inhalte | Arts meets science at 2436 meters on the Furka Pass, literally. The Furkablick Hotel, centre of the famous FurkArt activities in the 80ies and 90ies, and 50 meters further the old military camp now serving as the headquarters for the Alpine Research Station Furka (ALPFOR). The non-profit association ALPFOR, affiliated to the University of Basel is running the research station. ALPFOR's aim is to monitor and study biodiversity and the behaviour of alpine plants and the impact of global change. It offers ideal conditions for scientists, students and naturalists to understand and explore the alpine environment. Project week Erika Hiltbrunner and Christian Körner, both biologists, will lead us through a five-day workshop. Inputs will touch on the living conditions of alpine plants, the microclimates they create, their taxonomy, but also why diversity matters in the alpine landscape. We will get insights into how biologists work with “nature”, how they categorize it and how they structure the environment with scientific tools. By putting the small and tiny into the centre of our attention, we try and see what usually stays hidden when crossing an alpine grassland. Once we gained some deeper knowledge about the location, the plants and soils of the alpine habitats, there will also be time to develop individual projects that allow to try out and question artistic strategies that allow to move within this biosphere. Participants Besides the ALPFOR team and the students and teachers of ZHdK, PhD students of the Urner Institut der Kulturen der Alpen of the University of Lucerne, run by Boris Previsic will also take part in the project week. This will offer a further exchange between the different ways of knowing in the Arts, represented by ZHdK, the Sciences, representd by ALPFOR and the Humanities, represented by the Urner Institut der Kulturen der Alpen. Links: FurkArt: www.artlog.net/de/kunstbulletin-5-2019/furkart-kunst-2436-meter-uber-meer Alpfor: www.alpfor.ch/index.html Erika Hiltbrunner: https://ppe.duw.unibas.ch/en/hiltbrunner/ Christian Körner: https://duw.unibas.ch/en/koerner/ Urner Institut Kulturen der Alpen: https://www.kulturen-der-alpen.ch/institut |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Active participation, 80% attendance, development of own work individually or in a team. |
Termine | 27.6.–2.7.21 Arrival: Sunday, June 27th, in the late afternoon (latest for dinner and welcome at 19:00) Departure: Friday, July 2nd , afternoon (c. 14:00) |
Dauer | 6-day block event and excursion to the Alpfor, Furka Passhöhe, 6491 Realp. |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Bemerkung | Logistics We will stay at the research station at the Furka Pass at 2440 m. Participants will arrive Sunday afternoon (latest for dinner and welcome at 19:00) and depart Saturday afternoon (c. 14:00). ALPFOR is providing bed and food in youth hostel style. A cook will be organized and a vegetarian food option is available, but no vegan one. However, everything is produced and farmed locally. Travel Please make your own travel arrangement. The post bus station is called 'Hotel Furkablick'. Buses start from either Andermatt or Oberwald. There is good mobile phone connection, but limited WLAN. What to bring You will need your laptop, notebook for field notes and any other material you need for your work, waterproof mountain boots (NO sport shoes please), slippers for indoor, sun hat, sun cream, good weatherproof cloth, towel. Small bag (rucksack) for outdoor activities. There are wool-blankets, duvets, bed linen and pillow covers. Sleeping bags are welcome. Rooms are equipped with 3, 4 (mostly) and 5 beds. We commonly use the 4-bed rooms for 3 people as long as space permits. Finance Students have to take care of half the cost for accommodation, food and transportation (with Halbtax). It will be around CHF 210. In case you would like to take part in the project week but cannot afford the costs, please get in touch with us and we will find a solution. |