Ariel Doron, Puppenspieler, Regisseur und Performer
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-04.20H.001

Pavel Stourac, Direktor des Continuo Theaters (Tschechien), Corinna Vitale, Choreographin und Bewegungs-trainerin, Prof. Dr. Richard Weihe
8 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-08.20H.001

Raul Vargas, Performer und Regisseur
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-04.20H.002

Responsible: Robert Cantarella
Teacher: Laurent Berger
3 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-03.20H.006

Florentina Holzinger (Performerin)
3 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-03.20H.002

Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Coordination and instruction: Hanna B. Hölling (Dozentin Konservierung und Restaurierung HKB) and Johannes M. Hedinger (Künstler, Kurator, Zürich)
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.012

Leitung: Florian Reichert,
Sibylle Heim und Mentorierende (nach Absprache)
5 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-05.20H.001

Responsible: Robert Cantarella
eacher: LBéatrice Houplain and Denis Fruchaud
3 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-03.20H.004

Responsible: Robert Cantarella
Teachers: Joëlle Gayot, Patrick Boucheron, Iris Brey, Thomas Schlesser, Olivier Neveux, Noëlle Renaude
6 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-06.20H.001

Responsible: Robert Cantarella
Teacher: Yves-Noël Genod
1 CreditMTH-MTH-WPM-01.20H.004

Responsible: Robert Cantarella
Teachers: François-Xavier Rouyer and Hervé Coqueret
3 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-03.20H.005

Responsible: Robert Cantarella
Teachers: Nina Negri and Clémentine Colpin
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.015

Ed Hauswirth, Regula Schröter
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.001

Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Leitung: Minou Afzali (Forschungsdozentin HKB), Regina Dürig (Dozentin Literarisches Schreiben HKB) mit Gästen
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.010

Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Leitung : Sebastian Dobrusskin, Priska Gisler, Arne Scheuermann, Martin Skamletz
1 CreditMTH-MTH-WPM-01.20H.002

Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Leitung: Barbara Balba Weber (Musikvermittlerin HKB), Gäste
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.011

Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Dozierende: Leo Dick (Musik), Laura Moeckli (Musik), Heike Fiedler (Literatur), Christoph Roeber (Literatur), Manuel Bärtsch (Musik), Hanna Hölling (Kunst) Leitung: Leo Dick (Musiktheater), Laura Möckli (Forschung) u. Gäste
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.009

Verantwortlich: Y-Institut
Leitung: Tine Melzer (Dozentin CAP) und Gäste
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.013

Verantwortlich: Institut Praktiken und Theorien der Künste
Leitung: Fabiana Senkpiel (wiss. Mitarbeiterin Institut Praktiken und Theorien der Ku¨nste)
1 CreditMTH-MTH-WPM-01.20H.003

Philipp Ehmann
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.003

Responsible: Robert Cantarella
Teacher: Jérôme Junod
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.014

Campus Wahlmodul / Master Class / Kursangebot der Partnerschule (HETSR)
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MTH-MTH-WPM-02.20H.015 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Master-Campus-Theater-CH 02 ECTS |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Responsible: Robert Cantarella Teachers: Nina Negri and Clémentine Colpin |
Ort | La Manufacture; Studio V or VI, Lausanne |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 1 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Zielgruppen | Alle |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen |
Inhalte | This workshop is dedicated to audio-visual editing and its application in the field of staging and scenography (direction of actors, technique and dramaturgy). During the first phase of the workshop (2 days), we will identify the axes of a “thought-montage”, which has its origin in the field of cinema and is useful for analysing and designing a performative form. In order to do this, we will view extracts from films that have shaped the history of montage, we will rely on works of phenomenological philosophy and cinematographic theory, and we will look at singular works by directors who integrate editing procedures into their scenic practice. If editing can be considered as the founding and structuring element of continuous narration, we will also address more experimental practices and the contributions they generate such as the destruction of linearity in favour of rhythm and arrhythmia, of the senses and the body, as well as the emergence of a new relationship to dramaturgy. In particular, we will investigate the notion of the “jump cut” as a formal process of discontinuity, but also as a tool for the construction of meaning and the writing of the senses. During the second phase of the workshop (one week), we will share a vocabulary and an inventory of scenic protocols drawn from the notion of the jump cut. These jump cut protocols can be applied to the direction of actors as well as to other arts and techniques of the stage, such as light, sound, set design and video. From the practical experience of these protocols, and with the help of the present team of technicians and actors, each student will be able to stage and design a brief scenic form that s/he will present at the end of the workshop. |
Termine | December 16 and 17, 2020 January 11 to 15, 2021 |
Dauer | 9:00-13:00 / 14:00-18:00 |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |