Akrobatik 1_COVID-19: neu nur VTP/VRE/VDR/VBN - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Amir Modaï (AM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-607.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Bewegung A1_COVID-19: neu nur VSC - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Lukas Schmocker (LS)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-6121.20H.003_(MTH/BTH)
CNX / Akrobatik 2_COVID-19: neu nur VTP/VRE/VDR - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Amir Modaï (AM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-607.20H.002_(MTH/BTH)
CNX / Akrobatik 3 - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Amir Modaï (AM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-607.20H.003_(MTH/BTH)
CNX / Radical_Connector - Nonlinear dance practice für all bodies - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Marisa Godoy (MGo)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.20H.023_(MTH/BTH)
Das metrische Wir. Über die Quantifizierung des Sozialen_Kolloquium für Fortgeschrittene - TRAINING
Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.20H.006_(MTH/BTH)
Die Rolle der Moderation - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Dagmar Walser (DaWa)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.20H.002_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Artikulation & Geläufigkeit_Grundstufe - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Oliver Mannel (OM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-616.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Family matters - TRAINING
Sabine Harbeke (SH), Réjane Dreifuss (RD)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.20H.005_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Grosse Anfänge - TRAINING
Prof.Dr. Jochen Kiefer (JK)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VDR-L-301.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Insight Schauspielhaus: eine Ensemble- und Kooperationsforschung am Schauspielhaus Zürich (Teil2)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Kiefer, Fadrina Arpagaus
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-04.20H.001
David Weber-Krebs, Prof. Michael Simon
4 CreditsMTH-MTH-PM-04.20H.002
DIG / KASA-Training B_für Fortgeschrittene - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Matthias Walter (MaWa)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-608.20H.002_(MTH/BTH)
Peter Meier (PM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.20H.016_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Sprechtraining "Resonanz"_Fortgeschrittene - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Oliver Mannel (OM)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-616.20H.012_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Theater für/mit junge_n Menschen - TRAINING
Deborah Imhof (DeIm)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Yoga 1 - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Andres Gensheimer (AGe)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-777.20H.010_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Yoga 2 - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Andres Gensheimer (AGe)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-411.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
DIG / Zeitung lesen mit Gästen - TRAINING
Sabine Harbeke (SH), Gäste
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-4000.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
HYB / Bühne A 2.0 - Freiräume
Alle Kursbeteiligten, Begleitung: Christopher Kriese
2 CreditsMTH-MTH-WM-02.20H.001
HYB / Wissenschaftliches Schreiben/Squeeze it out - TRAINING
Maren Rieger (MaRi)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.20H.017_(MTH/BTH)
KASA-Training A_COVID-19: neu nur VSC - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Matthias Walter (MaWa)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-608.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Lesen_COVID-19: neu nur VSC - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Prof. Tillmann Braun (TB)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-6020.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
LOC / Bewegung B1_COVID-19: neu nur VSC - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Efrat Stempler (ESt)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VSC-L-6131.20H.002_(MTH/BTH)
Meditation und Präsenz_COVID-19: neu nur VTP/VRE/VDR/VBN - TRAINING
Christopher Kriese (CKri), Katharina Cromme (KC)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-406.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
Reenacting Performances_COVID-19: neu nur VTP/VRE/VDR/VBN - TRAINING // COVID-19: spez. Schutzkonzept
Frederic Lilje (FL)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-BTH-L-636.20H.021_(MTH/BTH)
Textanalyse: Vom Roman zum Theatertext - TRAINING
Monika Gysel (MoGy)
1 CreditFTH-BTH-VRE-L-412.20H.001_(MTH/BTH)
HYB / Workshop 2.1: Lecture-performance
Praxisfeld SC: Workshop 2.1 (Kursraum 2)
Praxisfeld DR, RE, BN, TP: Wahlmodul
Praxisfeld DR, RE, BN, TP: Wahlmodul
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MTH-MTH-PM-02.20H.012 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Praxisfeld 02 ECTS |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Éva Patkó |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 4 - 10 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Voraussetzungen | Zulassung MA Theater |
Zielgruppen | MA SC, geöffnet für alle MTH |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Introducing and experiencing the lecture-performance form as way of acting. The proposed text for this objective is: Karpatenflecken by Thomas Perle. (other text can be proposed as well if needed). |
Inhalte | The two week module proposes to find in groupwork a lecture-performance form for a proposed text, using only the voice and the body of the actor. When there is little movement and action involved, the relation between text and actor is intensified, the accents of presence (on stage) shift towards the interiorization. Through the developing of the lecture performance we will explore ways of expression through rhythm, song, poetry, dialogue, monologue, chorus speech, dialect, foreign languages, silence etc. At the end of the module the students will have an open lecture-performance of the material we worked on. |
Bibliographie / Literatur | Karpatenflecken von Thomas Perle (S. Fischer Verlag 2019) |
Termine | KW45 / 46 |
Dauer | Mo-Fr 14:30h - 18:30h (ausser dienstags) |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Englisch |
Bemerkung | Patkó Éva is a theatre director and assistant professor at the University of Arts Târgu-Mures. For six years now she has lead the Monthly Drama (HD) project, presenting fresh and new plays to a young and dynamic public, and also translates contemporary plays from different languages into Hungarian. She directs both classical and contemporary plays and constantly works with students in different theater projects. She recently came back from a Fulbright Senior Award from the University of California, Berkeley. |