CNX / ATD / Towards a Carnivalesque body: from the research to the research 

Campus Wahlmodul / Master Class / Kursangebot der Partnerschule (ATD)

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Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-WPM-04.20H.002 / Moduldurchführung
ModulMaster-Campus-Theater-CH 04 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungRaul Vargas, Performer und Regisseur
OrtATD, Verscio
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 12
ECTS4 Credits
Lernziele / KompetenzenTo assume one’s body as a main source of information/inspiration, as a living cultural archive. To explore, recognise and breakdown the conventions, norms, forms and boundaries of our creative work. We will play with transforming, dealing, shaping the bodies energy and its relation(ship) with the surrounds. Probably, we will learn something here.
InhalteThe laws, prohibitions, restrictions that determine the established structure and organisation of official culture and normal life are interrupted during carnival time. It is during carnival when the body takes agency and re-dimensions itself in its more primitive forms, giving space to all its physiological, emotional and discursive needs.
In this context and by extrapolating the elements that constitute the carnivalesque in our artistic practice, this workshop proposes a range of experiences, through exercises, discussions and explorations; to identify, enact and deepen the potentials of our movement, the unfinished and permanent (de)construction of the body, a body that is continuously engaged in the act of becoming.
We will work on different task-specific exercises inspired by the notion of the carnivalesque and grotesque, such as the erotic, laughter, the decomposition of the harmony, religion, penance, the profane and sacred, among others, while dealing with objects, texts, movement and writing.
As a transversal activity, the participants are invited to create specific events (fixed or improvised). By event, we mean an artistic piece or product, a ritual, a cultural manifestation, an installation, an expression, a demonstration, etc. We will free up space for arbitrariness, intuition, uncertainty, causality, energy conservation and metamorphosis and open up a discussion around composition and dramaturgy.
While people generally have in mind that carnival today an institutionalised activity, we will also reflect on the notion of the carnivalesque as a 21st century counter-cultural manifestations, to examine if there is still space or a need for subversion and if performing art could fulfil this function.
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Termine (12)