Naomi Perlov
1 CreditMDA-MDA-1100.20H.007

Naomi Perlov
2 CreditsMDA-MDA-1100.20H.006

Dr. Friederike Lampert
2 CreditsMDA-MDA-1100.20H.004

Bostjan Ivanjsic
2 CreditsMDA-MDA-1200.20H.003

Bostjan Ivanjsic
2 CreditsMDA-MDA-1200.20H.004

Denise Lampart, Marco Volta, Patricia Rotondaro, Bosshard Michaela and guests
2 CreditsMDA-MDA-1100.20H.010

Mark Wuest Schmid, Michaela Bosshard, Jäggi Nadine and guests
2 CreditsMDA-MDA-1100.20H.012

Dr. Friederike Lampert, Jochen Roller
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Dr. Friederike Lampert, Jochen Roller
2 CreditsMDA-MDA-1100.20H.002
DIG Approaches on Dance Transmission 

Approaches on Dance Transmission
Wird auch angeboten für
Nummer und Typ | MDA-MDA-1200.20H.007 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Theoriemodul - 2 Credits |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Dr. Gitta Barthel |
Zeit | Di 24. November 2020 bis Fr 27. November 2020 / 14–19 Uhr |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 2 - 16 |
ECTS | 2 Credits |
Lehrform | Theory module |
Zielgruppen | Master Dance |
Inhalte | The professional working fields of choreographers and teachers have been expanded in recent years and focus increasingly also on cultural and educational projects. Considerung this situation in this course we will collect usefull tools and know-how for preparing, structuring and realising artistic work with non-professionals in community dance projects, transgenerational projects, urban site-specific performances or interventions in school-classes. We examine the organisational, artistic and social dimension: The students collect practical knowledge of convenient working methods with movement tasks and composition procedures based on the tacid knowlege of the participants. They experience transmission-practices for heterogeneous groups with an understanding of teaching as a multi-directional communication where individuality and community is not a contradiction but an expansion. Dr. Gitta Barthel works in the field of dance transmission and research practice. After her professional experience as a dancer (Susanne Linke, Pina Bausch among others) she teaches Contemporary Dance and Choreography at art universities and educational institutions and worked as a research assistent at University of Hamburg, Institut für Bewegungswissenschaft/Performance Studies. She published her PhD on Choreografische Praxis. Vermittlung in Tanzkunst und Kultureller Bildung in 2017. She is also co-editor of Der choreografische Baukasten, transcript 2015. https://www.gittabarthel.de |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Attendance, active participation. |
Termine | 24. – 27.11.2020 |
Dauer | 2-7pm |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Deutsch |
Bemerkung | Registration for MA Dance students via Clickenroll |