Lab 3: IN TRANSIT (gLV) 

Transkulturelles, digitales Austauschformat zwischen der ZHdK und der Schule der künstlerischen Geste in Almaty, Kasachstan.

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Nummer und TypMTR-MTR-1040.20H.003 / Moduldurchführung
VeranstalterDepartement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
LeitungRada Leu, Peter Tränkle
Mi 30. September 2020 bis Mi 16. Dezember 2020 / 17:15–20:30 Uhr
OrtAtelier Transdisziplinarität ZT 7.F03 Toni-Areal, Atelier Transdisziplinarität ZT 7.F03, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich
Anzahl Teilnehmende4 - 16
ECTS2 Credits
VoraussetzungenStudium MA Transdisziplinarität

Für Studierende anderer Studiengänge der ZHdK im Rahmen der geöffneten Lehrveranstaltungen:
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LehrformE-Learning-Modul: Gemeinsames Erarbeiten eines Kunstprojekts mit Künstler*innen aus Kasachstan auf Distanz; Konzeption und Durchführung einer Ausstellung. Das Modul findet online statt und wird mit Inputs von ZHdK-internen und -externen Lehrpersonen ergänzt.
ZielgruppenWahlpflicht für Studierende MA Transdisziplinarität
Geöffnete Lehrveranstaltung für alle Master-Studierenden der ZHdK
Lernziele / Kompetenzen
  • Interesse an transkultureller Zusammenarbeit
  • Bereitschaft zu Kollaboration auf Distanz
  • Interesse an gegenwärtigen Diskursen zu Identität, Post-Kolonialismus, Dekolonisation, kultureller/gesellschaftlicher Transformation, Hybridität
  • Selbständigkeit
InhalteBeing in transit is a permanent state of the “New East” (post-soviet/Eastern European countries). Through the change of regimes, social unrest has been a major factor in their contemporary history - placing them in a state where the only permanence is change. Whilst the unreliability of governments, politics and identities is challenging (to say the least), it can also lead to an unexpected, precious capability for the 21st century: the ability to constantly re-invent and re-write identities, histories and futures. It is a state of becoming, of transitioning, of translating from one status to another.
Kazakhstan, where our collaboration is rooted, is a prime example of these transformations: often omitted from contemporary art discourses and discourses of decolonization, the former Soviet republic’s society continues to undergo dramatic shifts in self-imaging, which are most visible in its art scene. Young Kazakh artists dwell on questions of belonging; defying, criticising, but also reinventing traditional notions of East and West.

In this Lab, we would like to explore the idea of travelling from East to West (where does one end and the other begin?), challenging the notion of borders, through different (digital/analogue) spaces and set the focus on the process of transitioning between “states”. We will critically explore the challenges of a Kazakh or Swiss identity, both similarly straddled between multiple, often contradictory ideas. By experiencing one’s self through the eyes of the Other - a problematic term to begin with! - we depart on a journey which critically looks at both the own position and artistic practice and at the corresponding transformational dynamics.

Participants from the ZHdK will digitally collaborate with artists from Kazakhstan and create artworks together, exploring questions such as: How does an artwork change in transit? What happens in-between? In the spaces that are neither here nor there? In the ambiguous, amorphous slosh that is the digital transmission of ideas? What gets lost in translation, what is gained? And is the message you send the same that is received?

After getting to know each other digitally, students will have the opportunity to develop a collaborative artwork which explores the above topics and present it in an exhibition (location to be defined - ideally in a third space, where no one of the group members is in sole control or “at home”).

The project “QWAS: Migrating Dialogue” has been collaborating with the School of Artistic Gesture since 2017. Based in Almaty, Kazakhstan, it is a non-governmental initiative for contemporary art education, founded by the Eurasian Cultural Alliance (ECA). In past formats within the MA Transdisciplinarity, we have explored topics of identity, non-places, borders, transculturality, otherness and trains.
Bibliographie / LiteraturReader includes text like: Agata Pyzik: Poor but Sexy - Culture Clashes in Europe East and West; Homi Bhabha: writings on mimicry/de-colonization/3rd space theory; Anna Engelhardt: The Futures of Russian Decolonization; Edward Said: Orientalism; Zygmunt Bauman: Liquid Times
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung80% Anwesenheit, aktive Mitarbeit
TermineMittwochabend 30.9. / 14.10. / 28.10. / 11.11. / 2.12. / 16.12. jeweils 17.15 bis 20.30 Uhr
Dauer6 Abendveranstaltungen im Semester
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungThis Lab will be taught in English.

Die Anzahl Teilnehmer*innen in dieser Lehrveranstaltung ist auf 16 beschränkt; die Zuteilung erfolgt im Fall einer Überbuchung nach Abschluss der Einschreibefrist.
The number of participants in this course is limited to 16; in case of overbooking, the allocation will be made after the registration deadline.
Termine (11)