The Ghost in Walls (Summer School Shared Campus) 

The Ghost in Walls (Summer School Shared Campus)

The Ghost in Walls is a two-week online course including a virtual exhibition of the course results in Berlin. During the first week, participants will be introduced and interact with selected international artist and cultural agents, artist studio visits with Q & A, institution/artist run spaces/museums visits and interviews, who will share their personal experiences in light of the course topic. The second week will include individual and group workshops where the participants will articulate their inputs into a unique artist edition and exhibition at an artist run space in Berlin that will be arranged by the project leaders and can be visited virtually online.
Nummer und TypZMO-ZMO-L010.3.20H.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulThe Ghost in Walls 
LeitungWILLIAM DAVIS Composer, Recording Artist,
and Music Producer, Zurich University of the Arts

LEUNG CHI WO Visual Artist, Associate Professor
and Programme Leader of MFA in Creative Media, School of Creative Media, Hong Kong
Mo 29. Juni 2020 bis Sa 18. Juli 2020
3 Wochen
Anzahl Teilnehmende8 - 10
ECTS6 Credits
LehrformOnline Course
ZielgruppenBA all departments
MA all departments
Lernziele / KompetenzenParticipants will learn and integrate the course inputs into their
own practice that will culminate in an online (virtual exhibition)
viewing for final review and assessment.

Participants will learn how to work remotely and effectively
with the restrictions of the online format.

Research and digital forms will be more emphasized
as a creative output

Critical reflection

Conceptualizing ability and fabrication skills

Historical consciousness

Prognostications of cultural futures

Shared Campus Online Summer School
Inhalte“When pop can no longer muster a nihilation of the World, a nihilation of the Possible, then it will only be the ghosts that are worthy of our time.” Mark Fisher

Arguably, Berlin is the most exemplary city that has experienced the suddenness of rapidly shifting cultural and political changes in the past century. Following the fall of the wall in 1989, there were boisterous feelings of many possibilities for the future. Suddenly, a space of endless becoming opened for the many artists that moved to Berlin in the 1990’s and 2000’s.

Cultural theorist Mark Fisher asserted…we lose our grasp on history—and, without a sense of why the past happened the way it did, our anything-goes embrace of “happy hybridities” is an empty gesture.

Are we somehow trapped in the 20th century, re-hashing the material of past events? Or, are we in a new creative era for unique possibilities not only for our perception of history, but in how we imagine the future?

Using Berlin as the backdrop, the course will be partly a survey of this time as well as an exploration into the idea of what the precedence of historical events has had on artists, post 1989 to present.

Week 1: Activities include (via live stream): International artist and cultural agents talks, artist studio visits with Q & A, institution/artist run spaces/museums visits and interviews

Week 2: Individual and group workshops. Preparation for final production of an artist edition and exhibition at an artist run space in Berlin, which will be arranged by the project leaders and can be visited virtually online.

Guests include:

Thea Djordjadze, ART,
Henrik Olesen, ART,
Arno Brandlhuber, ARCHITECTURE,
Hanne Lippard, ART,
Nicolas Schaffhausen, CURATING,
Wolfgang Müller, Berlin 1980ff, Die Tödliche Doris, Geniale Dilletanten, MUSIC SOCIETY
Armen Avanessian, PHILOSOPHY,
Doireann O'Malley, FILM,
Tacita Dean, ART,
Leistungsnachweis / TestatanforderungParticipation Online Lectures
Practical work
Final Presentation/Virtual Exhibition
Termine6 - 17 July (without weekends)
Dauer10 days
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden