(Selbst-)Marketing als Designer, Gestalterin oder Künstler: Was bin ich mir Wert und welchen Preis gebe ich mir?
Daniel Frei, Marketing Experte, daniel.frei kommunikation
Philipp Kotsopoulos, Leiter Z-Kubator, Gäste:
René A. Feldbauer, Verkaufstrainer, Susanne König, Kreativunternehmerin
& Antonio Scarponi, Architekt, Soziologe, Visionär
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K115.1.20H.001
Annäherungen an die menschliche Figur
Cécile Huber, Dozentin DKV
Erika Fankhauser Schürch, Dozentin DKV
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K106.1.20H.001
Auftritt und Präsentation - gesehen, gehört und verstanden werden
Yvonne Vogel, Schauspielerin, Trainerin und Coach in Stimmpräsenz, Körpersprache und Auftrittskompetenz.
Dozentin an der ZHdK, DDK & DKV sowie weiteren Hochschulen und Institutionen.
Gast: Hansjürg Geissler
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K123.1.20H.001
be happy, be project
Herbert Pauser
Dozent DDE/Vertiefung Industrial Design, Dipl. Designer, Projektmanager
Anja Roth
Dipl. Designerin
Corporate Communication
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K111a.2.20H.001
Bewegung & Stimme in Improvisation & Gestaltung
Brigitta Schrepfer, DMU, lehrt Tanz, Improvisation, Gestaltung, Tanz & Anatomie im Profil Musik und Bewegung / Schulmusik
Martina Bovet, DMU, lehrt Fachdidaktik, Gesang, Musikdidaktik, Stimmbildung im Profil Klassik und Jazz & Pop
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K161.1.20H.001
Cover, Appropriation, Hommage
Prof. Aldo Mozzini, Künstler, Dozent DKV
lic. phil. Susann Wintsch, Kuratorin Treibsand, Space on Contemporary Art on DVD, Kunsthistorikerin
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K143.1.20H.001
Das digitale Selbst: Social Media für Künstler, Kreative, Forscher und Publizisten
Prof. Dr. Martin Zimper, DDE, Leiter > Fachrichtung Cast / Audiovisual Media
Frédéric Martel DKV, Professor Creative Economies
Nadia Holdener, lehrt in der Fachrichtung Cast / Audiovisual Media
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K121.1.20H.001
Die Fotografie – nur ein Zeitdokument?
Conradin Frei, Lehrt im BA Fine Arts, Fotograf: https://www.conradinfrei.com/
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K146.1.20H.001
ERROR — Zines mit dem Risographen
Rebecca Morganti-Pfaffhauser, BA Design DDE, VVK, IAD
Dr. Meike Eckstein (Forschung)
Prof. Nadia Graf / BA Fine Arts/ DFA
Benjamin Sommerhalder (Nieves)
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P043.2.20H.001
Globale Migration und Flucht: Von der Integration zur Interkultur
Conradin Wolf, Prof./ Lic.phil und CFC in Rechtswissenschaft, Dozent DKV, DDE
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K142.1.20H.001
Hacking Global Pop Icons (Summer School Shared Campus)
Caitlin Shepherd, Artist & Lecturer, University of the Arts London
Tom Gerber, Film Director, ZHdK
Claudio Bucher, Author, Music Producer, Cultural Advisor
Justin Wong, Comic Artist, Hong Kong
Yiu Fai, Writer/Lyricist, Hong Kong
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-L009.2.20H.001
Immersive Landschaften in Kunst und Film
Thomas Isler, Dozent Departement Fine Arts, Miriam Loertscher, Filmforscherin DDK, Jyrgen Ueberschär, Departement Fine Arts, Valentin Huber, DDK, Stella Speziali, i. A. Space
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P044.2.20H.001
Mona Neubauer, Dozentin Departement Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung
Alexander Bradley, Architekt, dipl. ETH
Prof. Dr. Karmen Franinovic, Leitung Interaction Design, Departement Design
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P049.2.20H.001
Kunst + Künstliche Intelligenz
R. Bauer, DDE, Leiter Game Lab, Prof. Olivier Pasquet, DMU, Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology, Prof. Ch. Iseli, DDK, Institute for the Performing Arts and Film, Prof. Dr. F. Stalder, DFA, BA Fine Arts, Prof. A. Kohli DKV, BA Art Education
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P048.2.20H.001
Johannes M. Hedinger, DDE (Kunst, Kuration, Transdisziplinarität )
Annemarie Bucher, DFA (Theorie, Architektur, Ethnologie)
Brigitte Dätwyler, DKV (Kunst, Vermittlung, Performance)
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P034.2.20H.001
Aleksandra Szewc / Industrial Designer MA / Unterrichtsassistenz Vertiefung Industrial Design
Laurin Schaffner / Industrial Designer BA / Unterrichtsassistenz Vertiefung Industrial Design
verantwortlich: Nicole Kind Leiterin Vertiefung Industrial Design
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K101.1.20H.001
Domenico Ferrari, Musiker, Komponist, Dep. Musik
Karim Patwa, Regisseur
Christoph Allenspach, Kulturwissenschaftler, Dep. Design
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K126.1.20H.001
Photoshop Basic
Markus Käch, dipl. audiovisueller Gestalter
Departement Design
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K149.1.20H.001
Dimitri de Perrot, Komponist/Regisseur/Szenograph
Luca Burkhalter, Popmusiker, DMU
Jonas Wolf, Popmusiker, DMU
Daniel Späti, Designer/Kulturveranstalter, DDE
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P028.2.20H.001
Projektmanagement - Schritt für Schritt
Danica Zeier, Stv. Studienleiterin MAS Strategic Design, Founder artsnext.ch und Roy Schedler, Leiter Marketing und Partnerschaften am Swiss Science Center Technorama in Winterthur
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K110.1.20H.001
Repeat ... Tapeten mit Siebdruck
Prof. Nadia Graf, Dozentin Bachelor Fine Arts, DFA
Denise Schwab, Dozentin DKV und Werkstattverantwortliche Siebdruck
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P051.2.20H.001
Rhythmus. Timing. Am eigenen Leib.
Dr. phil. habil. Steffen A. Schmidt, Musik-/ Kulturwissenschaftler, Dozent für Filmmusik, Musiktheater & Kulturwissenschaft und Gäste: N.N.
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K125.2.20H.001
Franziska Nyffenegger, Dr. phil., Kulturwissenschafterin und Dozentin DDE / DKV
Kathrin Passig, Autorin und Sachenausdenkerin
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K118.1.20H.001
SOMATICS – Verschiedene Ansätze des körper- und klangorientierten (somatischen) Lernens
Johannes Michael Blume, Dozent ZHdK DDK
Esther Maria Häusler, Dozentin ZHdK DDK
Jeanette Engler, Tänzerin
Muriel Bader Dozentin ZHdK DMU,
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K159.1.20H.001
Mandy Fabian Osterhage, Schauspielerin / Dozentin Departement Darstellende Künste und Film &
Lukas Schmocker / Dozent Departement Darstellende Künste und Film
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K103.1.20H.001
Anselm Caminada, Sounddesigner und Musiker, Dozent DKV
Eliane Binggeli-Esposito, Malerin und Videokünstlerin
Dozentin DKV
Stéphanie Marie Couson, Künstlerin, Fotografin, Dozentin DKV
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K135.2.20H.01
Tanz der fliegenden Lichtobjekte
Martin Fröhlich, Operativer Leiter Immersive Arts Space, Roman Jurt , Leiter Design & Technology Lab, Dozent Industrial Design, DDE, Nadia Fistarol, Dozentin MA&BA Bühnenbild, DDK, Johannes Schütt, WiMa ICST, DMU und Gäste
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-P052.2.20H.001
The Ghost in Walls (Summer School Shared Campus)
WILLIAM DAVIS Composer, Recording Artist,
and Music Producer, Zurich University of the Arts
LEUNG CHI WO Visual Artist, Associate Professor
and Programme Leader of MFA in Creative Media, School of Creative Media, Hong Kong
6 CreditsZMO-ZMO-L010.3.20H.001
Vektorbasiertes Zeichnen mit Adobe Illustrator
Guido Köhler, Dozent Scientific Visualization/ DDE
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K151.1.20H.001
Video als Medium der künstlerischen Erkundung
Istvàn Balogh, Fotograf und Künstler, Dozent DKV
Gast: VideokünstlerIn
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K141.1.20H.001
Videoschnitt und Animation
William Crook, Dozent Cast/Audiovisual Media
Luc Gut, Selbständiger audiovisueller Gestalter
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K152.1.20H.001
Visualisieren im 3D Raum
Jonas Christen, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Fachrichtung Knowledge Visualization
David Schürch, lehrt in der Fachrichtung Knowledge Visualization
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K153.2.20H.001
Wann, wenn nicht jetzt?
Sophia Yiallouros, Dozentin Schauspiel DDK, Schauspielerin
Erwin Glatter, Msc., Achtsamkeitsforscher, systemischer Coach und ehem. buddhistischer Mönch
Irmela Beyer, Dozentin i. R. Stimme, Sprechen DDK, autorisierte Linklater Lehrerin, Feldenkraislehre
4 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K104.2.20H.001
Wie verstehe ich ein Gemälde?
Dr. Ulrike Meyer Stump, Kunsthistorikerin, Museologin, Dozentin DDE > BA Design - Scientific Visualization > Fachrichtung Knowledge Visualization
2 CreditsZMO-ZMO-K109.1.20H.001
Hacking Global Pop Icons (Summer School Shared Campus)
Hacking Global Pop Icons (Summer School Shared Campus)
Hacking Global Pop Icons is a practice-based summer school. Starting online, and if the situation allows, concluding in a physical meeting (salon) in Europe, where practice-based work will be shared, discussed and exhibited. Hacking Global Pop Icons explores the relationship between global pop cultures and local identities, and examines the political, social and historical dimensions of (mass) production and reception. A global pop icon will serve as a common starting point for cultural analysis and for the transdisciplinary production of new artworks seeking to deconstruct, remix and expand the influence and impact of the chosen icon.
Hacking Global Pop Icons is a practice-based summer school. Starting online, and if the situation allows, concluding in a physical meeting (salon) in Europe, where practice-based work will be shared, discussed and exhibited. Hacking Global Pop Icons explores the relationship between global pop cultures and local identities, and examines the political, social and historical dimensions of (mass) production and reception. A global pop icon will serve as a common starting point for cultural analysis and for the transdisciplinary production of new artworks seeking to deconstruct, remix and expand the influence and impact of the chosen icon.
Nummer und Typ | ZMO-ZMO-L009.2.20H.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Hacking Global Pop Icons |
Veranstalter | Z-Module |
Leitung | Caitlin Shepherd, Artist & Lecturer, University of the Arts London Tom Gerber, Film Director, ZHdK Claudio Bucher, Author, Music Producer, Cultural Advisor Justin Wong, Comic Artist, Hong Kong Yiu Fai, Writer/Lyricist, Hong Kong |
Zeit | Mi 17. Juni 2020 bis Fr 3. Juli 2020 2 Wochen |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 8 |
ECTS | 4 Credits |
Lehrform | Online Course (inputs/lectures) Practice-based online collaboration Physical Meeting in autumn 2020 (if the situation allows) |
Zielgruppen | BA all departments MA all departments |
Lernziele / Kompetenzen | Understanding cultural concepts in global contexts Transcultural and transdisciplinary collaboration Pop culture theory and social history Creative writing Digital and sensory ethnography |
Inhalte | We are living in extraordinary times. The global COVID-19 pandemic has catalysed unprecedented change. What was once thought impossible is now being rolled out by different countries in quick succession. Such accelerated revisions of everyday life demand reappraising who and what we hold dear. Amid these unfamiliar and novel circumstances, Hacking Global Pop Icons sets out to use creative practice to explore who and what can be thought of as globally iconic, and to what effect. The term global pop icon may have manifold meanings: internet memes; global systems; pervasive social networks; virtuous and famous people, objects and places. What do global icons tell us about our identities, society and culture? Who and what makes an icon? And which role do global pop icons play in our strange new world? In this three-week online summer school, one icon will serve as a catalyst for cultural analysis and for the transdisciplinary production of artworks that will reflect our new cultural landscape. Participants from Europe and Asia will convene and collaborate online. We will avoid long video calls at all cost! The selected participants will be invited to present their ideas at the Shared Campus Global Pop Cultures Symposium 2020 with a focus on the staging and understanding of "self-imaging" in different cultural contexts. Student collaborations will be exhibited online and offline in a final presentation encompassing multiple formats. To conclude the online course and if the situation allows, it is intended that participants will meet physically to share their creative work at a salon, to be held at one of the European partners of Shared Campus in late autumn 2020. |
Leistungsnachweis / Testatanforderung | Participation in classes Practical work Final presentation |
Termine | 17 June - 3 July (without weekends) |
Dauer | 13 Tage |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |