Verschoben wegen COVID-19 / HKB / "Vogue & Waacking"
Campus Wahlmodul / Master Class / Kursangebot der Partnerschule (HKB)
Angebot für
Nummer und Typ | MTH-MTH-WPM-01.20F.001 / Moduldurchführung |
Modul | Master-Campus-Theater-CH 01 ECTS |
Veranstalter | Departement Darstellende Künste und Film |
Leitung | Archie Burnett |
Ort | HKB Bern, Zikadenweg 35 |
Anzahl Teilnehmende | 5 - 20 |
ECTS | 1 Credit |
Zielgruppen | Alle |
Inhalte | Voguing is a style that originated in the 1980s and uses the posing of photographic models and even influences from the dance halls of the 1930s in Harlem. Linear, angular and jagged movements are combined. Seit Gründung der Truppe Vogue Evolution im Jahr 2008 in New York ist Voguing wieder sehr populär geworden. Die Arbeit im Workshop konzentriert sich auf Genauigkeit und das Vokabular des Voguings, Hintergründe und Charakteristika werden ausgearbeitet. Es geht darum, im Moment zu sein und vor allem sich organisch zur Musik zu bewegen. To quote Archie Burnett’s statement, "Come, experience, get some, and get lit!” The goal is for the dancers to experience the real-life connections and inspirations that create this movement as tied to their own life journey to create a real-life representative of the visual truths of the art form. Teaser: |
Termine | 24. - 27.03.2020 |
Dauer | 10.15h - 13.15h |
Bewertungsform | bestanden / nicht bestanden |
Sprache | Englisch |
Bemerkung | Archie Burnett, Club Dancer and Ambassador of Urban dance social styles, is a well-known master of varied styles of club dancing. Going on well over 40 years now, he teaches and performs worldwide. He is best known for sharing the dance styles of Whacking, Waacking, Hustle, Vogue, and Freestyle, aka House aka Club Dance All over the world in such places as Indonesia, Brazil, Italy, France, Finland, Sweden, Taiwan, the UK, Scotland, Romania, Russia, Estonia, Switzerland, Argentina, and the list goes on and on. He grew up with these styles and is responsible for pioneering the Vogue Culture in Europe. He's also known as the Grandfather of the House Of NINJA. |