Digital wegen COVID-19 / Workshop 2.1: Mechanism of Performance 

Praxisfeld SC: Workshop 2.1 (KursRaum 2)

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Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-PM-02.20F.008 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPraxisfeld 02 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungYael Cramsky
Anzahl Teilnehmende5 - 10
ECTS2 Credits
VoraussetzungenZulassung MA SC / MA Theater
ZielgruppenMA SC / offen für alle MA Theater + Partnerschulen
Lernziele / KompetenzenVertiefen und Weiterführen des künstlerischen Lernprozesses in der performativen Kunst.
InhalteWerden von der Gastdozierenden zeitnah mitgeteilt.
Bibliographie / LiteraturNN
TermineKW16/17 (Di, 14. - Fr, 24. April)
Dauer11.00 - 13.00 & 14.00 - 17.00
(an Dienstagen wird Zeit für Kolloquium/ Theatermanagement eingeräumt, die Zeiten des Workshops werden nach Absprache angepasst)
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungYael Cramsky is a Senior Lecturer and the Head of the Program for Outstanding Students in Acting. (Direct Track for a Master's Degree Program.) She is an Acting and Directing Teacher in the Theatre Arts Department at Tel-Aviv University.
Yael Cramsky directs and writes stage adaptations of novels and is a graduate of The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. She continued her studies in New York with artists and researchers in dance and movement, where she published her first creations from 1988 to 1992. She holds a graduate degree in Directing from the Theater Arts Department at Tel-Aviv University.
She has recently led the "Passport" ensemble, founded in 2014 in Tel Aviv. The group focuses upon classical plays and stage adaptations of canonical literary works. The central theme around which she creates her work is human rights. The stage language of her work is characterized by cinematic expressions. Together with the members of the ensemble, Yael Cramsky explores and develops a connection between the language of the stage with that of the screen (cinematic and video art), as well as the characteristics of visual images, physical theatre, and more recently, vocal works.
Ms. Cramsky has taught acting, directing, theatre movement, and movement in various institutions around the country, including The School of Visual Theater in Jerusalem; Thelma Yellin; Shenkar College; "Search Engine"; and "Sam Spiegel". She was a partner on the artistic committees: "The Dance Arena"; The Interdisciplinary Arena; and "Experimental Tools" in Bikurei Ha'Itim.
Termine (11)