Digital / Aspects of power in contemporary theatre directing (gLV) 

Praxisfeld RE: In Kombination mit "Internationales Projekt" als 1 ECTS anrechenbar

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Nummer und TypMTH-MTH-PM-01.20F.001 / Moduldurchführung
ModulPraxisfeld 01 ECTS 
VeranstalterDepartement Darstellende Künste und Film
LeitungÉva Patkó
Anzahl Teilnehmende3 - 15
ECTS1 Credit
ZielgruppenMA RE / offen für alle MA Theater + ET

Für Studierende aus anderen Studiengängen der ZHdK:
Anmeldung und Anfragen bezüglich Platzzahl an > Caroline Scherr /
Bitte unbedingt Vorname, Nachname, Semester und Hauptstudiengang angeben, danke.
InhalteThe course focuses on the power-position of the theatre director. It is a role that requires decision making and responsibility, and it is also a role that attracts force, authority and misuse of power.
The first day we will look at models and details of power dynamics within the director role.The second day we will discuss examples of deconstructing the power-position of the theatre director.
TermineKW19 (04.+05.05.2020)
Dauer10.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Bewertungsformbestanden / nicht bestanden
BemerkungÉva Patkó is a young theatre director, among the few women directors in Transylvania, Romania. She recently came back from a Fulbright semester at UC Berkeley California where her focus was on the issue of otherness. She teaches at the University of Arts in Tg-Mures Romania and now works on contemporary plays that deal with the aspects of power.
Termine (2)